A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

ive only had rank 13 gear for the last 3 weeks…

we’ll see what you say when I start carrying pugs to wins on my alliance warrior. that’s the only way to shut you all up

LMAO would love to see that. You never realize the terribleness of ally pugs until you play in ally pugs. Good luck. Send videos

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The horror…the horror…

gyazo dot com/5704abfd4580117e49a5c50b6014446d

Horde created the que situation, a better fix is mass rerolling alliance.

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Imagine them trying to get out of fear or getting stunlocked and then realizing their reliance on a crutch.

Oh, wait, they wouldn’t figure that out.

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I remember seeing u in a pug vs pug game you are alright warrior. Since u can’t reliably make premades on your server why don’t u just make friends with a coupleof pocket healer and get them to come with you? That shouldn’t be too hard lol. Personally I prefer to do this on ally side myself, because of the tendency for alliance premades to throw matches vs horde premades that u mentioned. I would rather play fun games vs horde pugs that try to win, than smash turtles all day in a premade, when it is feasible for me to make honor doing so.

He won’t do that because he doesn’t have time, he’s too busy ranking. His interests in this change aren’t genuine towards wanting a healthier game, they’re invested in how it makes his personal farm harder.

But then we’d have to play Alliance.

What a horrible proposition.

Dwarf priest > all others

Nobody should be pugging BGs till solo queue is added (never).

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Scummy Alliance and their teamwork

Some bold assumptions Moogles. We stomped plenty of pugs and plenty of premades. I’d venture to say our W:L ratio was 30:1 my entire grind. Did we lose to some good horde premades, sure. Did we beat alot of good horde premades, yes.

My original statement was if you don’t think horde premades don’t pug stomp, then you’re dumb. Both sides stomp pugs when premading, why would I pug when I can premade and get better HPH? You get better HPH when you’re premading Horde side too by the way.

Your response to my original statements further shows how much mud is in your orc brain.

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Yeah, you have to premade everything for your precious HpH.

Point proven right there.

I already know premades stomp pugs, that’s how its been since you folks have started in with making premades. Your part of the reason that premades exist to the point where they are at now. Nearly all the time. But i guess your too Dumb to know that.

Whats the matter, solo queue too hard for mister hard core? Can only premade bg’s? Can’t win any other way? Go cry to your mom.

Been doing it for months I ain’t playin that poop till they separate queues like every other game.


implying you have to be horde to boycott BGs

Alliance PUGs run into the exact same issue as Horde ones do. On my Paladin, if I’m stupid enough to try to PUG for any reason at all, it’s 90%+ Horde Premades.

I haven’t done a battleground since 2 days after they were released and I noticed them being absolutely overflowing with Premades going out of their way to hunt for PUGs to farm. Can’t farm in the open world due to openly flyhacking bots…

Flyhacking example here. This happens in the open world too and nothing happens
Botting in Classic WoW has evolved - #20 by Danarigg-kromcrush

Don’t need anything from 5 mans or UBRS anymore. So… yeah. I legit just raidlog at this point and it’s sad because all the fun is being drained out of this game by people who treat breaking the game in as many ways as possible as a puzzle to figure out.

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I beat you too it… I stop running bgs over a month ago. I just log in on raid days and once that is done. Quickly log out.

I guess that is what blizzard really wants us to do. Collect out money and do as minimal as possible to fix classic.

I dont even retail. I play other games to get my bg/pvp fix.

Each comment you make in return, shows the pea brain beneath that thick skull. How is soloq vs premade hardcore vs not hardcore? Hardcore players maximize their efforts for maximum return.

I’ll give you an example outside of WoW - if you’re into bodybuilding, would you not eat properly, take supplements and make sure they were the highest quality foods / supps? Does that make you less hardcore because you want to see the most return on what you just did to yourself in the gym?

I would argue it makes you more hardcore, as you’re more invested.

Same goes for BGing, in a premade you are more invested, you have teammates counting on you to do your job to win. You play with your teammates for an ungodly amount of hours your entire grind to R14, or whatever rank you’re aiming for. In an xrealm soloq game, you probably won’t see those guys / gals again. You are likely, less invested.

So once again Moogles, your logic has been defeated. What’s your next insult, to cry to my dad?

Do they actually afk out and take a 15 min break if they queue into a stronger premade? thats sad
I once was in a premade vs pug and the premade wasnt doing so good, so they all ran backwards into stables and let us 4 cap then 5 cap, disgusting.

Right? in 2020 the only game with no matchmaking is probably classic wow