A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

What is with Pagle premades and the automatic giving up and hiding when facing another premade. Do you know?

no cuz i dont pvp. and i dont need to pvp to call whiners out about whining.

OK no problem, and yes that’s fine it just sounded like you might know.

The game design for classic is by and large bad. Vanilla was like a 6.0/10 game to be honest, it’s highly over rated. TBC and WOTLK is where the game started to get good. Classic is still playable, but anyone who thinks it’s the best game ever, or the best version of wow, is sorely lacking in good judgement.


LOL you talkin about phred? yeah he afk’s over half his games and ive seen him botting too, plays maybe like 3 out 10 games. but you know what, its infinitely easier to solo queue on alliance with your instant queues and an abundance of horde pugs. try playing your heart out in every single game while having 20-30 min queues and running into premades over half the time. you easy street clowns

Said the Gnome called “Touchmybum”… >_>

Yeah the phat elephant in the room …

Let me guess, you think that horde don’t premade queue BG’s and that because you solo queue your entire faction solo queues?

lol wut? you’re faction dominated AV, and now that you are up against premades, you want to boycott other BG’s because they can do that? What? I do agree that the amount of premades is kind of dumb. Adapt and move on, that’s what ally did for AV, but they happen to do the turtle approach till they lose.

Played like 15-20 wsg games as a pre.ade yesterday. I think in total we faced maybe 3 groups that werent also premades, and those were at least partials even. Join a premade yourself or accept your fate, no one is forcing you to put.

OK let’s stop you right there before you write your own martyrdom fanfic.

You’re literally in a thread calling for pugs to boycott BGs- while you yourself refuse to do so.

That doesn’t make you some revolutionary saviour- that makes you the rich guy behind the revolution using the people to get you more riches, or in your case r14, without having to do anything yourself.

True, you are an orc warrior, the most brokenly OP race/class combo of all of WoW.

Is really nobody going to call him out on asking for people to boycott when he has no intention of doing it himself?

you obviously cant read above a 5th grade level, cuz I literally said in my post that I don’t have a choice since im ranking. I was referring to all the non rankers who are just in it to enjoy bg’s, since a lot of them end up in my games against premades and we all get rolled together.

Horde premades do the exact same thing to ally pugs. You horde have this “grass is greener” complex. Level up a 60 ally and pug some BGs and see what you think. Last night I had 8 WSG games in a row against full premades.


This guy has been rank 12 or 13 for the past 2 months crying on the forums about premades because he cant get enough honor in his pugs to hit R14. This is like his 10th post about this.


So you’re a hypocrite- telling people not to play for enjoyment, so that you could gain your coveted honour to get a gear crutch that’ll give you a huge advantage over others.

All the while complaining about premades, that don’t play for enjoyment (according to you), because they just want coveted honour to get their huge gear advantage.

If you were capable for just a moment of taking a step back and thinking- you’d realize that you are basically exactly the same as the premades you hate so much.

A warrior in a BG is only as good as his healers. Stop taking all the credit like sweeping strikes, whirlwind, with windfury requires any skill. Give your healers the credit if you are getting top kills on your team cause it wouldn’t happen if they weren’t healing you well.

LOL what about the times when we have no healers? cuz we mostly don’t, and I still take 2v1’s all day

2V1’s arent winning you any battlegrounds. And your R12/13 gear is carrying you if you use your own complaints. Here you are a R13 in full pvp gear picking on pugs with blues, greens, and pve gear. What a low life.

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uhh missy I win 90% of my pug games. im about to break 800k honor for the week solo grinding. how do you think I got there? btw before you say av lol, I get maybe 2 a day, 3 if im lucky

Then why you crying? Ally lose 90% of pug games with you on the team or not.