Botting in Classic WoW has evolved

The mages in the owlkin’s of WS, on the beach in azshara, the hunters in frostwhisper gorge and the dragon cave mining, the bots running from lotus spawn to lotus spawn all out in plain sight with absolute impunity on top of this BS happening in instances is completely out of control. The game is unplayable outside of raids.


What are their IV’s and EV’s? If it’s not at least decent enough for online battle, then just put them in the PC and keep breeding. Nurse Joy and Professor Oak will look after them.

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^based schizo poster

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these types of things are why large server economies are wrecked right now. nobody should have to spend 200g a night to raid or better yet as a tank spend 400g

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My shares in Blizzard depends on botting.
*Smokes cigar.


Sad to see the game in the state it’s in. Though I suppose it’s just more justification for me to raidlog. Not like PvP is worth doing, no point trying to farm in the open world, don’t need anything from dungeons.

hope blizzard do anything after this video, we are paying subscription, we need actions against bots.


Blizzard you need to see this, abusing the game like this make the game dying
like people will not have fun to do party dungeon and have convesation

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Im just playing this game about 6 month and now i seeing this is killing the fun of the game and the art of dungeoning

hope blizzard see this and fix it

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these bots really kill the fun about this game

hope one of the blizzzz see this sheet and fix It immediately

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Hope blizzard seen this
ZG was fun doing with tons of people
not for something like this

i was scrolling forum then seen this
this is absolutely abusing the game

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Hope blizzard seen this
ZG was fun doing with tons of people
not for something like this

Hope Blizzard seen this
Wow It’s so funny and detrimental once… As others struggle to get all the fun in the game… He destroys everything…

Someone from my guild talking this ingame
and im right away to see it
whoa this not fair
i’ve been leveling on my own trough fun of questing
but they do this.

but the bots that play are not good at dungeons and they do that all the time, I hope you guys can clean the bot and we can play happily

Blizzard need to fix this
abusing the game its not fun at all
knowing the game though questing its the best
please do some action to the botters!!

my guildie share this on the discord
dang, this botter needed to leave this game so the game not dying

Guys dont let this post down
blizzard really needed to see this and fix it
bot are wrecking the game!!

hope billizard see and fix it