A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

Lets stop feeding these wretches that thrive on farming random groups of players and run away from other premades. I myself don’t have a choice for another 10 days but there is no need for all those that are just trying to have fun in bg’s to subject yourselves to this toxic experience created by alliance premades. Yes I know horde premades too but they don’t run and hide in the mine or the their starting area so the game can end quickly and they can continue to farm solo players with impunity. It’s time to make them feel our pain. Stop queueing for battlegrounds until blizzard fixes matchmaking so that premades only face each other.


Jeez classic needs work. Players are calling for boycotts of content.

Honestly if someone feels like boycotting / not playing content it’s time to choose another game to play entirely. The game design is just bad at that point.




It’s mostly toxic alliance exploiting queues while simultaneously crying hard done by.

Just the usual scummy alliance tactics.


its like they are allergic to a fair fight so they go well out of their way to avoid it, and once they have the clear advantage they somehow feel like they’ve accomplished something and feel good about themselves. ive been in so many games where full rank 12-13 alliance premades taunt us when we have rank 2’s and 3’s on our team. its very sad to see


So what you’re trying to do is clear the queue out some so u get faster queues to be grave yard farmed to rank 14.
Honestly. Brilliant. Lol


I bet the average age of a horde player is at least 5 years younger compared to alliance. About 95% of you guys cant win unless you zerg or portal camp and you get destroyed and make excuses.


are you kidding? getting gy farmed with no hk’s is the reason I have to play 18 hours a day, I get all my honor from pug games where I dominate or when im put in with a premade against an opposing one and usually do the same


Oh because you’re going up against helpless badly geared pugs? Isn’t this exactly what you’re constantly complaining about? Pug stomping by overgeared sweaty neckbeards. Go ahead. Take a look in the mirror.


The players need work

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no…most of the time they are all rank 6-13, ive even wrecked premades with a full pug group many times now. its very rare to get an alliance team that has no idea what theyre doing and give up. I fight tooth and nail for most pug victories I achieve and some days I lose a lot of pug games, we’ve even been 5 capped by alliance pug a time or two. you know what tho, win or lose, I get honor to sustain my grind, but premades take all that away and leave me with nothing.


is complaining all you do?

How about making a list of 10 things you think are great about the game and why each one of them is great to you.


So. Somehow you manage to randomly get these competitive pugs that you dominate but premades only get push over pugs. Uh huh.
Screw the game. I missed these great laughs from the forums.
The reality is you’re looking to pug stomp with your leet gear and you’ve convinced yourself that because you queue solo. You’re different than premades.
You’re not. It’s what it’s always been. An armsrace.


yes, pugs are usually very competitive, ask anyone else in these forums that pugs on a regular basis to see if im lying. most pug games ive been in have come down to the wire

literally beating a premade in wsg as I type this

3 capped a premade from anathema, finished with most hk’s, kb’s and a flag return


I actually kind of like this idea, let the pre-mades play eachother for a week or so, let them que times soar, until all the people saying “things are fine, dont seperate things by premade vs pug, it will create long que times” wonder how those que times will be, when pugs are not quing up anymore? I bet then they wont be screaming "#no changes


That’s an interesting opinion. I would suspect that the averages are relatively the same, but around the edges, you would see overrepresentation of certain personality traits on one side versus the other.

I’d love to have access to some of the data!

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Alliance crying in one thread. Horde crying in the other. Why don’t you just switch sides, then everyone’s happy.


This is what happens when Horde believed they were good at PvP because they played Horde.

You drank the Kool-Aid and fact is:

Blizzard has been holding Horde’s hand in true iteration when we look at everything they’ve done to push players in the Horde direction.

  • You can’t beat premades because Horde are trash that are used to zerging and unfair advantages. This is why almost every Horde rogue is Hemo/prep easy mode trash. Horde must mean “Take the easy path” in some ancient troll language.

  • TBC trailer is literally a Horde advertisement.

  • Adding Blood Elves to influence Alliance players to faction switch since they, Blizzard, knew the biggest gripes Alliance players had with playing Horde was that there was no “beauty race”.

  • Adding Paladins to Horde because let’s be honest… It was never about Shamans or “balance”.

You know what?

Horde is a garbage carebear faction.

Alliance is what Horde used to be.

Anyone have an issue with this?

That’s nice.


well then how come every pvp related exploit that blizzard has patched since classic’s release was invented by the alliance?

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what even is this thread. 40% cringe, 59% nonsense, 1% lack of awareness