A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

He says, while crying non stop like a little baby because daddy Blizz won’t give him his free no effort wins in every BG.

When all you would need to do is have the social skills required to make a team yourself- but I guess that’s too much to ask, for you to stop being a tantrum throwing child and make some friends.


I rerolled alliance because I was absolutely disgusted with not being able to res 90% of my games … honestly horde side BGs isn’t fun at all I support. Please fix

You’re one of those marshals who backpedal and say “y u lOse” while effortlessly spamming mortal strikes & whirlwind on the 2 guys left that will res at the GY lol

Well it makes sense, if the horde times are abysmal there are some options, if premades cannot form they will not form and que times will get worse as premade players will turn to pve or pvp primary games. The best option is research your world beforehand, if you are in a 91% horde world getting into a bg might be a problem(i don’t remember if cross realm is still a thing). As for me I am speced for pve tanking, 7 of my talents are completely useless dealing with threat and taunting. So it would be bad for my team to have me play until better geared, except I will need the av quests for the exp.

If you have a problem with low alliance population create a new character and level them. Do your research on what realms have the best timers and go there.

Cross realm is a thing- NA is a battlegroup, so server balance doesn’t matter. What matters is that far too many pvpers went Horde for faction stacking on pvp servers, and the ez mode racials.

Horde queues range from 15-20 min for the small BGs to a few hours for AV- basically if you want easy pvp with a lot of time doing nothing in queues go Horde, if you want an uphill battle but no queues go Alliance- it’s that simple.

Yes. Blizzard, please move premades to separate queues. Boycotting WSG and AB until it’s done!

People aren’t even complaining about the queues anymore it’s the fact that when we get in a game it’s in playable because every game we’re GY camped by premades

Horde ‘Getting camped by bigger numbers in wpvp, and us having a 100% win rate in AV is perfectly fair even though it makes the game unplayable for the other faction and there’s nothing wrong with camping people for hours. If you don’t like it, reroll or quit.’

Also Horde ‘omg being camped in BGs isn’t fair, it’s unplayable and sucks losing constantly, plz have sympathy for us’

I’m not sure why you expect anyone to care if Horde is having a rough time of it now, but let me respond accordingly, in the manner Horde would want.

If you are Horde and do not like Alliance premades chain stomping you for hours, ‘reroll or quit’. :smirk:

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Except alliance pugs have the same issues with premades.


Go on, boycott away. The less horde queue, the lower my queue will be.

How long queues are, one would think you’d have all the time in the world to find a group.

And the same option- join a premade yourself. You can’t force thousands of players to roll on your server to ensure world balance, you can’t make a raid of AV players not AFK- in that sense for an individual Alliance you have zero ways to overcome imbalance in wpvp or AV.

But you can join a premade for WSG/AB, that’s within your power- much like it is for Horde pugs. If you are mad about being smashed by premades in WSG/AB, then you should be mad only at yourself for not using the tools available to you.

Nooooo. I need my brackets bloated…

We need to find Bruttalis a premade to run with…

The entitlement Horde have is mind blowing. For every single good Horde player there are 1000’s of trash ones that think they are god’s gift to pvp because they win AV and “crush” alliance noobs out in the world 200v40 on their 80% horde servers.

Then they get thrown into a 10v10 or 15v15 on near balanced maps and get steam rolled. Instead of the first thought being “Man I should form a group to fight back” they come to the forums crying because they can’t get their easy wins anymore.

Please by all means quit queuing. No one will miss you and the Horde that do put in effort and premade certainly won’t miss you either with shorter queue times.


Yes and one of those tools is letting blizzard know about the problem so they can fix it.

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There is no problem to fix other then yourself for being lazy.

Did u finally give in and go alli too? The premades ruined horde Pug pvp

There’s also a problem with the matching system matching premades vs pugs.

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If you want pug v pug you better be willing to accept zero honor and rep even if you win.

The system you want wasn’t implemented until Cata with RBGS where blizzard gave better rewards for people willing to premade. Classic simply does not have separate rewards so this change you want will never happen.

RBG’s are not the same system.

All the system needs to do is match premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs. Those are equivalent in terms of difficulty and should have the same rewards.

So following this logic, a Premade group should get no honor and rep in a win against a PUG.

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