A Better Way To Do Cataclysm

True since its nearly perfect the way it was in the last patch, nothing was wrong with it, all classes and specs were enjoyable to play (Beside Fury warrior) and the 3 end time dungeon were fun and etc. (At least its my opinion.)

Remove flying in Cataclysm? Yeah how about no?

Flying never was a mistake, this is why now we have Dragonriding and its one of the best thing Blizzard ever did, its not that flying was a bad idea, its the system of how flying works that was bad and they fixed it in dragonflight.

Here is a better idea remove the current flying and add Dragonridding style flying in Cataclysm instead.

I prefer regular flying to Dragonriding. And hopefully they never remove that option from Retail.

And Dragonriding has no place in Cata. Except being atop Deathwing.

I believe Dragon riding by itself is far superior if you want to get to point a to point b fast and its more fun in general, the only issue is you cannot AFK it like you can with the old flying system sadly.

Agree, there is no reason to remove it.

Why not though? They gonna add Dragon riding everywhere in the next Retail expansion and by what I saw it works fine in the old WoW zones, flying fron Hyjal to Uldum in 2-3 minutes while flying at insane speed is very fun.

Well except for the last raid being hot garbage and other than LFR not addressing any of cata’s problems sure the last patch was fine.

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Flying makes design more difficult for the devs. For example there are many quests that require you to follow a trail killing many mobs along the way to get to a community with many buildings with mobs and pats to get to the one building with the mob with the quest objective. With flying that whole design is avoided as you fly to a safe spot near the objective to kill the mob.

But it’s obviously possible to do, and flying also opens up possibilities in design. For example places you can only get to with flying, which prevents simply stealthing past everything(the same issue just accused flying of)

And of course no flying till max level, the tbc wrath and mop model, makes it a moot point anyways.

The 80-85 Cata zones were designed to fly through while leveling. It was one of the best leveling experiences I can recall.

I’m not saying I’m against flying. I love it. But I can see how it can create difficulties for the devs, as well as new opportunities.

Well, it doesn’t really matter in terms of leveling. Make players hit max level and do all the quests before they can unlock it. This was pretty much how it worked in TBC and MoP. Though you didn’t have to do all the quests…just hit max level.

Wrath had Tome of Cold Weather flying to send to alts that was added a few months in. And Cata just let you fly right from the start.

Off-topic, but I was glad to hear Ion say at Blizzcon in the next expansion they won’t do stupid rep grinds to unlocking flying again. Maybe he’s finally learned a little humility.

Anyway, you can’t take flying out of Cata. The expansion was literally built with it in mind.

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Maintaining 83+% of your playerbase from a previous expansion and bring in new players says otherwise. Factually inaccurate. And as many people have said, every other MMO company and most game publishers in the world would have killed to have the success of Cata.

Its not trolling, it’s just a bad idea.

If there’s 4 expansions and you remove 2 of them… thats 50%. Math is hard.

No. Just no. I’m fine with Fresh start servers, but I’m not losing my progress so you can keep our servers as Era. If you want Era, you get the new servers.

We’re already getting unnerfed Cata, just like we got Unnerfed Van/TBC/Wrath.
Also you say this isn’t trolling, and I’m really trying hard to agree with you, but you’re basically saying all the Cata people have to restart AND play a harder game… which you KNOW would lead to people leaving… but you’re saying this to “save” Cata. Super troll bro. 11/10 terrible idea.

Again, 10/10 terrible idea. You’re just trying to make the game harder so people don’t want to play it.

You can always outgear stat sticks, that why raiding and dungeons have evolved over the years. Thats why in Modern normal/heroic/mythic adds a new mechanic per difficulty level. DPS is easy, mechanics require you to have half a brain. Also it limits people with lower gear if its just a stat stick… people can’t avoid getting one shot by a boss but they can avoid fire on the ground. 10/10 terrible idea.

So to summarize… You want to make Cata harder… remove ease of movement… take out two expansions worth of content… and all around make this the worst version of WoW ever… to “save” it. Really it sounds like you’re trying to make Cata miserable for everyone so they want Wrath Era. 0/10.



This. This right here. So much this.


The absolute truckload of irony in this statement is AMAZING.

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I’m famous pog!

But yeah nah, you want to remove Outland and Northrend which are 2 out of the 4 expansions base game included, is you wanting all of this removed…

  • 2 10 man raids (Karazhan and Zul’Aman)
  • 5 Single boss raids
  • 9 raid tiers
  • 32 Dungeons
  • Roughly 1,500 quests

There’s more but I feel like I got the main ones.

You wanting to remove all of that content is insane.

You know what? I’m actually going to break my silence and address you for once.

You’ve been following me around forever, misquoting me, taking things out of context. You just end up embarrassing yourself. But I just find it amusing when people quote you and I see it. I chuckle, and I don’t care. I’ve had you ignored for a year now.

Let’s take this quote. You’ve tried to use that against me two or maybe even three times. You fail to understand I’m talking about two completely different things. The 1-60 Azeroth revamp (which I didn’t like), and the 80-85 Cata zones which I did. I even specifically said 80-85 in this thread, which you conveniently removed when you quoted me.

This is just one example where you try to catch me in some inconsistency and end up embarrassing yourself over and over and over. I personally find it amusing, but I imagine it must be kind of annoying for other posters to see you constantly immediately responding to me with old posts. No one cares about this nonsense. It’s just pointless spam. All it demonstrates is you’re stuck in a perpetual junior high level ‘I’m gonna get him!’ mentality.

You’re going to keep doing your thing. I know that. Keep obsessing over me all you want. When I see those hidden messages after I post I know it’s you, and a little smile creeps on my face. Let me tell you something: just because you’re fixated on what other people think of you doesn’t mean others are the same way. Most people here don’t give a damn what other posters think of them. I’m perfectly comfortable and confident in myself, my beliefs, what I’ve said. I know what I stand for. And anyone influenced by your silly little troll posts is someone who’s opinion means nothing to me anyway.

So there it is. Apologies to others for a somewhat Jerry Springer back and forth…but after a year of ignoring this guy I guess something had to be said.

Edit - LOL. He deleted the post.

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On the one hand he claims wrath is so popular that we shouldn’t even have a classic cata on the other hand the only way cata won’t die in 3 months is if we remove what he thinks is the most popular expansion from it.


Dang, I deleted it instantly after making it. You sat there for almost two hours writing a response? You realize we can see the time I deleted that post, right? That means you read it as soon as I made it (like you do with all my posts) and spent nearly 2 hours writing a response.

Nvm, only an 1 hour and 13 minutes writing a response:



Oh, this is a lie too. You’ve responded directly to my post relatively recently:

Three months ago. That’s all I’m doing man, is calling out lies. If you stop lying, I stop posting. It’s really that simple. You can see that I’ve responded to you 104 times of your 5,607 posts. That would probably be less than 15 if you were simply honest and stopped lying.


Ladies, you’re both pretty. Take the tiff to the DMs and leave it off the forums.

People who don’t want transmog are either crazy or pvpers. WOTLK for example has some dumb looking tier sets that are a downgrade in comparison to other pieces. The TOGC Horde Warlock tier for example looks worse than the Ulduar Warlock tier.

If Transmog is such a problem then have it be turned off in BG’s and Arena. Otherwise let people pay their 150 gold to look how they want.

People can defend the release of Cata (and I personally didn’t mind cata aside from lfr), but they do need to wonder about the ‘future.’ Sure MoP was a good expansion, but after that is WoD…people want to experience the ‘greatness’ of WoD again? And the ‘greatness’ of the selfie cam patch? Only advantage is that WoD’s cycle wont last as long as others.

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