99% parse and bottom of the meter


The current state of Frost Mage is abysmal. Tonight I have parsed 99%, 95%, 94% and I’m always bottom of the meter. It’s so disheartening and just makes me not want to play at all. Fire is only slightly better so it’s really not worth switching Covenants and crafting different legendaries, and frankly we shouldn’t have to. I really enjoy the gameplay of Frost Mage but it just doesn’t do the damage it should.


Yeah, I’ve had one of those lol. 80-90 parses are especially bad.

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I’ve seen many logs where green/blue Boomkins, Spriests, Hunters etc are doing more damage than purple/orange Frost Mages, it’s absolutely insane. I’m legit shocked Blizzard haven’t buffed us yet, they can’t be blind to our woes.


That is just so brutal, holy smokes we need buffs so badly. I’ve put so much effort into my mage and we’re so weak it really makes me want to stop playing. Why put in work when a dps doing their spec a fraction as well does way more damage?


Not currently playing my mage, but this feels like the last 2 expansion launches, we felt terrible until we got some really good gear, then the numbers improved. Is this the current case or is it really that bad?

Honestly guys do what you can to get blizzards attention, if your a social media type tweet some of this data and warcraftdevs and Ions account I dunno. Just do what you can.

I’m sure they’re aware of it. Whether they do anything about it will be anyone’s guess lol, but I’m going to give them a couple weeks.

99% parse and still at the bottom of the meter? … brutal.

Though to be fair, everyone else in the parse ahead of that player also had a parse in the high 90s.

Still… it’s pretty clear frost is quite weak.


I have, but they never reply. I assume they’re aware of it, the optimistic part of me is hoping they’re putting together a more comprehensive buff than just “5% more damage on all abilities” which won’t be enough.

Yep. This has been my experience as well. 95th-99th percentile parses across the board on my mage and really low on the meters.

It’s bad enough that I have folks asking if I’m going to switch characters. Went from consistently top 3 damage in our guild (usually #1) to like 10th on average whilst performing the same.

They will buff frost it’s just a matter of when…

Shouldnt the 99% parse be all the validation you need?

You did great for what your class is capable of, you are the 1%.

Competing with other classes seems silly only because the classes have never been 100% evenly balanced.

Do you think people raid for validation? Do you think others in the group care if you got “all the validation you need”, if you’re at the bottom of the meters? If you wanna raid for validation, go do LFR and brag about your parses, it doesn’t matter how much damage you do there. But in higher raids, I don’t think people want to drag their entire group down.


It’s not silly at all when raid spots are on the line for Mythic. Being sat out when you’re playing your class near perfectly sucks, but that’s the reality when other classes are tuned so high that even playing moderately well is enough to overtake the weaker specs playing perfect.


You don’t really understand the community do you?


I hope they will add a button to skip boss for arcane mages :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s insane! Imagine the possibility of being benched having a 99% parse!!!
Blizzard gotta wake up… Like NOW…


It boils down to the one-two combo Blizz wants frost mages to do isn’t really viable in terms of combat. It is a slow and clunky button mash. There is no flow between casting one thing to get a proc, and then use said proc because GCD. It’s not elegant.

Seeing info where someone parsing well as frost makes me, a not quite as skilled player doing frost really discouraged.

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Same here. Frost is also very RNG based on procs. I’ve had 4-5 rank 1’s and I rarely cast the wrong priority during a global. ST and AoE DMG can very quite substantially depending on procs.

Same lol, 84% parse as arcane on shriekwing heroic yet its only 2.2k dps. Fire is way better.

Jesus. I didn’t realize it was that bad. Hell, I didn’t realize Fire was that low either.