99% parse and bottom of the meter

Oh, so it’s not just me. I mean, I am by no means a great player, but I’m usually not quite THAT far behind everyone…

Pretty ignorant aren’t you? Apparently we have someone who likes to under perform.

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Meanwhile arcane is top three?

If you’re looking at Mythic statistics, that’s a statistical outlier because of how few parses there are (34 total for Arcane). In Heroic overall statistics which have a much larger sample size, Arcane is 4th from the bottom and fire is only upper middle pack. We’re just not so great right now all around.


True, but also last week, people didnt really know the fights, and were still undergeared. Heroic data as a whole isn’t really used as valid data. I do agree though to wait till more mythic parses come out to see where things lie.

I agree, doom and gloom over Mythic prog is dumb, I believe there must be something there for Arcane given the top Arcane (also overall top parse, 2 PIs but whatever) parse on Huntsman is running FI, it’s gotta be a fire main that swapped for a specific reason, but all we can do is speculate and sim for another week or two.

There’s also some theorycrafting that shows Frost scaling really well with crit and haste increasing Icy Veins uptime. It’s the only reason I’m not so down about us getting skipped in the last tuning pass, but “spam Frostbolt until…” just feels awful when Frostbolt damage is so pathetic.

Most mythic guilds are only a few bosses in and huntsman in particular seems like it’s a great fight for arcane. They can probably dump a whole lotta mana into one of the pets that have stacks of debuff.

I’m glad arcane is good at this fight. Once further into the raid I think it will fall Off fast but who knows.

THIS IS SAD @blizzard wtf are you doing


What’s frustrating is they just ignore it. They wont even acknowledge this with a reply. Even a bs excuse like oh we need to see how they scale. but they’re just embarrassed that they f’d the class up so bad they’re just going to pretend like it doesn’t exist.


Why would they though, when they’ve given frost a big nerf right before SL went live?

So if anything, this shows that they think frost is OP.

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Frost is fine being bottom lol.

Yeah, but it isn’t. The Mythic logs have so few Arc parses and the only ones playing at that level as Arcane are the literal top players (who could do twice that damage as Fire or another spec like Balance or MM).

It’s also only relevant for 2 bosses, one of which suits Arcane’s bursty profile. Wait until there are a lot more Mythic parses and you’ll see that it’s not even mid-pack (or just look at Heroic parses).

While Arcane might look good based on almost zero actual data sets, I guarantee you it’s barely above Frost and a bit of a joke on ST. Unless your guild desperately needs lust or AI (and if you’re failing because your 2 other casters and some heals need 5% int then you’re in a bad group) there’s no reason not to swap to another caster…

Frost is in desperate need of a 7.5% or higher buff right now, and Arc could use 5% to AB/AM to put them in mid-pack damage.


Imagine being so entitled and bad at the game that you need Bliz to balance a raid tier around your chosen build. Change your spec, be higher on the meters. Welcome to WoW

This is rich. Op parsed a 99, that is anything but bad at the game. This is actually a perfect example of bad balance because all the parses are good.


Do you not also see the 97 from the fire mage almost at the bottom? That leaves arcane, which is worse than fire. Mage is undertuned (frost by the highest degree).


yeah that free ice lance after a flurry is just gcd hell for a marginal damage.

Imagine being so clueless and ignorant about the state of mages in the game that you need to come on the mage forums and make stupid comments. Go back to trolling elsewhere, be more enlightened. Welcome to being a better person.


What’s worst is the attitude we get from other players as if we were bad players. I’ve been targeted a lot by priests lately, I guess because they are afraid to lose their late empowerment. How poor as a person can you be…


imgur. com/a/VkfcVL0
at least i wasnt last, but that delta…

Guy telling someone one who out plays him a 100 fold bad. you’re an idiot