What are you talking about, top parsing frost mages aren’t coming close to other specs dmg. We can try all we like, get a perfect rotation going, the damage just isn’t there. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/99-parse-and-bottom-of-the-meter/780922.
Personally I pulled off a 95% parse on Sunking as frost mage and I was still in the lower third of the dps. I tried to do the 4 mythic dungeons today but my single target damage was so low in a 5 man group even with the frostburn legendary I’m not going to impose it on pugs anymore. This means I won’t keep up with the group even so I’m going to quit raiding too. I’ve cancelled my sub. I’m all out.
Edit: For the devs if you ever read this. AOE is clunky as anything. I cast blizzard and then I get a few ice lances off or a flurry and two ice lances and then I need to cast blizzard again. All the while the tank is yanking the adds out of blizzard and my frost orb. It’s like bailing water out of a sinking ship.