Mages need serious love

You had your time at the top, the time of the mage is over.


that’s the thing. you’re not a frost mage. you didn’t roll a frost mage class. you rolled a mage, which has 3 specs that you can freely switch between. you aren’t entitled to be top dps as all 3 specs because you like the flavor more any more than i can magically decide demo is my raiding spec and not aff. frost is good more often than demo is on average, so QQ.


I am going to call bull.

I play both an arcane mage (this character) and a frost mage (troll) and they need a decent shield OR a decent heal OR faster healing (like my arms warrior).


I disagree I’m totally entitled to a balanced class. I pay for this game I put time in. Your tune would change if it was warlock guarantee it.


balanced yes. but being balanced and viable is not the same as being optimal. every single class and spec is viable right now. but only certain ones are optimal. if you want all of your specs to be optimal you can kiss a rope.

and did you ever get told by the game director that they don’t want you to play your spec? cuz we got told that and then dumpstered when we were the best spec for our class at the time.


That’s not balanced sorry.


Mages have lots of love, they appeared in a cinematic twice!

Blizzard has stated that the idea of a “hybrid spec” doesn’t exist anymore. Yes I have some healing, but they have stated that all dps specs should be on the same playing field.


Well, they are lying.

But that is what happens when a lawyer’s lips move.


you also have one spec that has to compete in all forms of content. if ret is dumpstered you have to switch roles, or classes. a mage (and me as a warlock) just have to switch specs and we can do entirely different types of damage that are better in certain contexts than others. you have role variety. we have damage variety. which is why it’s silly to only play one spec of a pure class.


i likely won’t notice it as i don’t do cutting edge content.

probably it’s just our turn to be at the bottom of the Flavor of the Month rotation

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you shouldn’t do more damage just because you chose a pure class. this isn’t vanilla.

for me i have as demo st and burst aoe, cleave and burst st as destro, and can excel as a good all arounder with an emphasis on council fights as aff. which makes me much more versatile in a raid than a ret pally. that’s our strengths. they don’t always do the same damage on the same bosses but we’re infinitely more useful throughout a raid than a class with only one dps spec that has to somehow try to be good at everything all at once. if you only play one spec though you’d be better off rolling a hybrid because it’d all be in one spec not spread out over all of yours.

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Yeah, it’ll never be balanced until there is no bottom of the damage meter.

pures went from being damage bots to utility bots. we’ve never been able to just coast as one spec and crush meters. you’re supposed to switch specs for different things. hybrids lots all of their utility to gain damage. now we’re all even. look at a rogues mythic+ toolkit vs a ferals. or a mages raid utility vs a shaman.

Very true, though I’ll pretty much play ret no matter what. :wink:

every class should have at least 1 competitive dps spec. it doesn’t have to be your favorite or whatever, but one should at least be mid pack. if you don’t even have one then you have a right to complain. but i think it’s silly pures expect all 3 of their specs to be top tier all the time just because they willfully chose to not tank or heal. rolling a pure is not an i win button.


Tell that to the developers.

Oh wait - Everyone did that. For almost a year straight as we told them that these conduit/soulbinds/legendaries were going to lock us into a spec (which they absolutely did).

I was aware, so I went what was best. But the “Play what YOU want” folks are having to eat a lot of crow right now, and while I can’t say I don’t enjoy watching them reap what they’ve sown just a little bit, they shouldn’t be forced to do this. At least, not BOTH Arcane and Frost.

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Covers noodles in oil you rang

no one here is asking for all 3 of our specs to be top tier all the time. all we are saying is that our bottom 2 specs, which are considerably under-performing be given a little bit of attention to bring us up to parity… y’know like they just did this week with 5 of the 7 underperforming specs, including rogue who already had 1 spec that was overperforming.

the only 2 underperforming specs left untouched are mage, we just want the same attention the other 5 got, thats it.


play what you want people aren’t eating crow. demo is trash and i use it for all forms of content and i am playing what i want. i am necro for the mog even though i should be night fae for performance as a demo lock. but 9 times out of 10 aff ends up being the best in raids. destro the best in pvp when rot comps aren’t good, then that’s also aff. demo is literally the trash spec. which is what arcane is. fire is your best spec for raiding most of the time. sometimes at the beginning of an expansion frost does well but tapers off as fire gets more stats. you have to not pay attention at all to not know this about your class. i knew, and i do what i want, because i chose whats fun over what’s optimal. if you’re pushing content you know exactly what you should be playing.