9.1.5 getting closer, Warlocks keep getting ignored

okay youre getting ignored you little shi*


Cheeze I thought we were friends :joy:


Difficult to take post seriously when you say these things.

“Struggling” is a very strong word.

idk why when it’s really just an easy fix for them.

Copy+Paste Affliction/Demonology from Cataclysm
Copy+Paste Destruction from Wrath

Warlocks fixed.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but keep in mind that destro lock is behind Affliction and Demonology in M+. If you think that’s fine then OK.


Yes bring Cataclysm Affliction, i am sure people will love to have a single target dps that is 50% of every other dps spec in the game.

And i must guarantee you most people who are still stuck with Metamorphosis like a ex on a bad breakup don’t mean the Cataclysm version of it.

As for the position of the specs in dungeon, it’s complicated to say for sure.

Warcraftlogs/Icy-veins analysis on it point to Affliction>Destro>Demo (https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/61136-shadowlands-91-season-2-mythic-dps-log-rankings-week-12/); MDI qualifier had Sjele pumping hard 200k dps as a Destro in big pull at Halls of Atonement and

Raider IO Data shows Destro as the far more popular spec on keys, followed by Affliction and Demo at the end https://raider.io/mythic-plus-rankings/season-sl-2/all/world/leaderboards

All specs have strong points, Affliction have insane out of cooldown AOE while the single target anima power works well with the dot-based kit of affliction, Destro have even more insane Cooldown based AOE and Demo have strong 1 min CDs of powerfull single target burst with a decent sustain AOE.

I am trying to find here a site who show populartiy on the top 1000 logs of raid and m+ of covenant,classes and specs but i seem to have forgoten the adress.

found it: https://mplus.subcreation.net/ and https://raid.subcreation.net/


It would be really nice to get those bugs fixed, but yea… we got quite a few things to do to be subpar or be sweaty like Manni to compete with other classes that have only 2-3 buttons to push outside of cd’s to do damage. Also, here’s some ideas for demo that might help us with some of our issues ( Blizz doesn’t look at forums but whatever).

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The fact you had to explain that is why aliens won’t visit us

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How embarrassing for you. Did you even play back then sweetie?


If you play a demo lock you will know what bugs. Ever since they added the feature where all of your minions follow your main pet attack it has introduced many bugs on top of the AI issues which were never addressed to begin with. Multiple locks have demonstrated these bugs so there is not much of an argument.


I don’t play demo because I personally hate the spec.

I play affliction and Destro which is why I asked what bugs.

The bugs that I have observed are with the Tyrant and with the dogs. 2 of our biggest damage. Sometimes the dogs do not charge your target they charge to the player instead which is retarded. Sometimes they charge empty air and just sit there. And sometimes they will run to you after their charge even if your main pet is attacking the target. All of these problems started with the change to pet AI which further broke the spec.


I don’t need a tldr on a thread that has already answered my question.

Help in pvp blizzard, please. Thanks.


Must have played, i mean, i do have 7th anniversary on this character.

but your chart does show that affliction was a lot stronger than i remember in single target and Cynwise blog (rly nice read by the way https://cynwise.wordpress.com/warlockery/decline-and-fall/) does point to affliction being one of the best single targets on 4.1 and 4.3(but not at 4.2)

weird, how was the spec so unrepresented back then (check the article) but had so high dps performance right?

but i admit my blunder, affliction didn’t do 50% of other dps’s.

I’m sorry for being un-necessarily rude in my reply earlier this morning. I’m so used to folks writing off anything Cataclysm as bad by default, but that isn’t an excuse for me to be nasty.

I followed the cynwise blogs during Cataclysm, and they make some great observations about the unpopularity of Warlocks at the time. Personally I think there are two big reasons as to why myself: Leveling and complexity that didn’t pay off.

Leveling a warlock in Cata really sucked. Other classes got a lot more with the “choose your spec at Level 10” thing, and could level much faster and much easier than warlocks could. And even with the Azeroth redesign, leveling still took a while, and a lot of leveling warlocks never made it to 85.

As for complexity, Warlocks boasted quite the DPS numbers during the later half of Cata, but their “rotations” were pretty insane. While I personally think Affliction was at its prime, it still had a baseline of 8 (10 with T13 4p) abilities just for single target, an additional 2-3 for multi-dotting, and an additional 2-3 for AoE. Demonology had ~14 abilities to press, had to pet twist on any fight with adds(because Felhunter was better on single target than Felguard), and had to deal with 4 filler spells (Shadow Bolt, Incinerate on procs, Soulfire on execute, Hand of Gul’dan on cooldown).

Now that’s not to speak badly on complexity; I don’t think Affliction was bloated (Demo was a bit). But in comparison, Arcane was essentially a 2 button spec that easily topped out warlocks on single target (especially with Dragonwrath), and burst was prioritized at the time, which warlocks did not have. Warlocks should have been doing a lot more DPS for how complex their rotations were, and the lack of people playing them end-game made it quite clear that folks will go after simpler specs if they’re equally rewarding, or more rewarding.

Even that chart lists Fire as top dog for single target, but what it doesn’t show was how absolutely broken their cleave/AoE/multi-dotting potential was with Combustion being a DoT and its uncapped spread via Impact. Fire mages were capable of putting out 1m+ DPS on add heavy fights, where other specs would never exceed 50,000 DPS at most. But Fire was more complex than Arcane, and had too big of a feast-or-famine relationship with rng crits. Nearly all mages played Arcane, even with its lower ST numbers and piss poor aoe, because it was simple and easy to top meters with, and it always paid off.

anyway this is tl;dr now.


Do not be, we all have our Petpeeves.

That’s because Warlocks have their place already……in TBC. Top dps spec with multiple options, more than the 3 specs we have here in retail. And….we can also tank in TBC.

That’s about as relevant as warlocks being good in destiny.


I heard warlocks are really good in new world. In fact they are so good they kill gpus.