9.1.5 getting closer, Warlocks keep getting ignored

I played lock in CN actually. You might want to find an actual rebuttal.

It also needs to mention that SB and DB sometimes doesn’t generate soul shard.

Especially when precasting them.

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that only happens on Pre-cast.

What happen is that when you are outside of combat you have 2 effects happening to soul shard generation effect nÂș1 generates 1 soulshard every X seconds until 3 and effect nÂș2 Degenerates a Soulshard every X seconds, that way you are always at 3 soulshards outside of combat.

When you Pre-cast a Demonbolt too early there is a chance that the Shard generation of the spell will match with the Shard Degeneration of out of combat, making Demon bolt only generate 1 soulshard and making Soulshard generate 0 soul shards.

Solution is to delay your Demonbolt pre-cast by 0,5s instead of casting it at -5 or -4,5 you cast it at -4 and because its cast is longer than that you will only finish the cast and generate the shard after combat had already started.

As for the Wilfred bug people experiment, this macro might help you all.

/Cast Summon Demonic Tyrant

just spam this when its time to cast tyrant.


Maybe the AWC will be a wake up call for Blizz.


There’s a bug where you’ll cast your Tyrant then you have a GCD but the Tyrant doesn’t cast even if you did not interrupt the cast in any shape or form. Kala talked about the bug in a video and i have experienced it on multiple occasion in the raid. A macro is supposed to “fix” the bug but at this point i don’t give a crap about demo anymore so i’ll craft myself the Malefic Wrath legendary for the raid and forget demo even exist.

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/equips tinfoil hat


/unequips tinfoil hat

while warlock isn’t in exactly an amazing spot right now, it’s also not terrible, I’d love to see some buffs for us(too lazy to switch forum avatar), but there are some specs out there hurting far far more.

bug fixes should always happen regardless of a spec/classes performance though. Always.

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 really? I’ve been trying to get to 34
 should I prune it down to 30 in raids? Wilfreds is fun but only in an organised group where the tank is willing to pull big. Mostly end up using cinders in m+ too.

I’m a little worried about m+ because we were struggling while being one of the few specs which was AOE uncapped. Not much to show for it. With the ceiling being lifted off other specs
 only one way to go for destro on the charts.

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you should roll with what top gear tells you
ive not heard of any cinders synergy or anti synergy at 30%.

also bear in mind while in small 3-4 mob pulls destro cant explode, but we watched sjele do over 200k in MDI on a pull.

Frankly the sims have been asking me to lay off the haste for a while now. Just that haste feels so much better in dungeons. Can go with a little less in raids as mostly you can plan movement. But thanks, will go back and see if I can shuffle things around.

I say it because while higher Haste still pops off in AoE, once you get to about 30-32% haste with Cinders, you can maintain 100% RB uptime. More Haste after that isn’t bad at all, but point for point, Haste values will drop off in 3 or less target scenarios compared to Crit or Mastery.

My lock hit a bit of an extreme where for keys I got to 40% Haste (mythic ToG does wonders). Sims after that for Top Gear were reflecting each point of Crit or Mastery being worth 1.4-1.5 points of Haste if I wasn’t consistently hitting > 3 mobs.

My lock (Manni) is still geared to the teeth, but I’ve found Brewmaster very refreshing while I wait for 9.1.5.

The easiest thing to do is keep something like a MH/OH set for raid and have the Nerzhul staff for keys. Maybe couple that with swapping a ring. On my lock, if I swap sets I can shuffle about 220 Haste into Mastery/Crit if I need to.

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wait wtf manni thats you?

Top Destro in M+ on Mal’Ganis and 2nd Top Brewmaster too (top dude is anonymous though :frowning: )

Hit 2521 io on this dude last night.

go outside - touch grass - shooo shooo shooo you won the game already get some air lmfaoooo

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I mowed my grass yesterday after work :thinking:

I might be on a monk but I’ll still neckbeard some destro lock stuff.

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glad youre havin fun and findin success big dog

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Cheeze. Why are you not on my btag?

i think the only Btag i have from forums is Deezy lol


No more feet pics for you

Kala makes one joke and all of a sudden im getting slandered LEFT AND RIGHT about feet pics.

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Well it’s left and right for each foot :joy:

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