Which would sound amazing and actually coherent if her “puppy face” wouldn´t be projected into our faces in that very same cinematic.
Mourning Sylvanas + Perfectly protected from any negative consequences Anduin = trash tier writting as usual
Which would sound amazing and actually coherent if her “puppy face” wouldn´t be projected into our faces in that very same cinematic.
Mourning Sylvanas + Perfectly protected from any negative consequences Anduin = trash tier writting as usual
Yeah seems that way, but pretty sure they stated that the Eternals ones were equal to the titans and the first ones ones were a level beyond that.
Honestly if they were titan Keeper level it would make more sense.
After so many years he finally gets taste of his own medicine.
If only the consequences would stick but alas… I predict intact Golden baby Anduin in our future. Zero consequences for getting mindcontrolled involved.
look to the Eternal Ones thread, its even said so, they are more like titan watcher, not titans per se.
Equal in the power structure of their respective realms but that does not mean they are equal in fighting power. For example in the Dragon Ball universe, the Supreme Kai’s and the Gods of Destructions are on the same level in terms of the hierarchy of the Gods. However the Gods of Destruction are clearly “stronger” than their respective Supreme Kai’s. Also iirc if one of them dies and a replacement isn’t quickly elevated, the other one dies as well. That was how Zamasu (as Goku Black) was able to kill the Gods of Destructions in Future Trunk’s timeline. At least that is how I recall it going down. I tuned out of Dragon Ball Super after the Goku Black arc.
I wonder if there will be folks who trashed Arthas, but “Anduin did nothing wrong”.
They looked the same and both look to be under the influence of others.
Or vice versa.
I think the difference will be that Arthas willingly surrendered control on the false belief that he would “save his kingdom”. Meanwhile Anduin was forced into it since he played a reverse card on Sylvanas. Giving her the choice instead.
little did anduin know, sylvanas had a plus 4 card
I don’t worry about Anduin at all because I know he’ll come out of this unscathed. His “transformation” is meaningless and is unlikely to have consequences. This kind of thing doesn’t matter if there is no real danger for the character. We know this conflict is going to be solve effortlessly.
Amendment: I don’t like him, but I don’t hate him either. It’s kind of a neutral feeling, really. No real feelings towards him. There were times in the past I liked Anduin, but then new developments changed that. I liked him again and then something else changes my feelings. Maybe I’m just fickle.
I think I just figured out the plot of patch 9.1 Sylvanas gets ahold of the proposed class balance changes for the 9.1 raid, and realizes that marks and ret are going to absolutely suck. So, using her 5d chess skills, she convinces Anduin to reroll to unholy dk so at least one of them has the dps to oppose the jailer. She’s having 2nd thoughts though because he still hasn’t figured out how to use his pets.
Patch 9.2: Anduin rerolls to feral druid with the help of the Winter Queen or something.
Yes, and saving his sorry behind from facing actual consequences as per the usual M.O. of the writers of this comedy.
The ocean of difference between Arthas as a character and Anduin as a character. One IS it´s own construct with it´s own story, the other is a self insert vehicle indeed…
But of course there will be!!! I mean the story literally put the usual plot armor into Blanduin. He won´t be accounted for his “crimes” simply because it wasn´t his choice and his soul is NOT involved, period.
In this sense he´s a welfare cheap copy of WC3 Sylvanas -who at least WAS perfectly aware of her crimes while being mindcontrolled and obligated to commit them and who was tortured by proxy of being used as a weapon against her people… Anduin killed a rando nobody who has no real significance in his mind, period.
After Anduin struck he had a moment of clarity it seemed where the jailer lost control willingly or unwillingly. So I think Anduin saw what he did.
What freed him for that moment? I wonder if we’ll find out.
Wow fans stop calling every character you dislike a self insert challenge
I think Anduin is also aware of what he did. There is a moment where he seems to break free and looks horrified about what happened. Then the runes on his Maw Armor being him back under the Jailers control. Like how there is a blink and you miss it moment in the infamous Church fight scene in Kingsman 1 where Harry gets his ears blocked by a grenade going off (which blocks the signal used to turn everyone into murderous hobo’s) and you can see the shock and horror on his face before he hears the “kill everyone” noise again. https://youtu.be/R3zdYUG2_RA?t=128
is around the time it happens in Kingsman.
Honestly I think at this point people are just digging for things to whinge about.
Yeah I’ll be annoyed if Slyvanas frees Anduin because she feels bad. Because unless it turns out she was also mind warped, her suddenly taking mercy on him is just kinda insulting given her treatment of everybody else.
But until that actually happens I’m not going to get bent out of shape about it.
I always figured the Sylvanas and Anduin dynamic was “different”.
She always treated anduin as someone who she could mold since he was younger than the rest. I think she has a soft spot for the “little lion”.
Killing the Archon will make him feel “bad” because he´s an “uwu cinnamon roll baby”, not because he has -as a character- actual emotional investment on her. Ergo, why he´s a welfare copy and nothing else.
Sure Valko, I´ll when the game actually develops Anduin as an actual character and NOT as a static menace that pollutes and twists the story so “it” can stay perfectly static forevermore.
He´s Rey at this point, ewwww.
Oh, he´s totes aware -I saw that, it was the moment it became quite obvious he was being used as a vehicle and NOT acting liken an actual undead agent per se-. Another thing altogether is selling his “misery and emotional pain” as actually relevant and engaging for me as a “reader” when in comparison to the actual WC3 writting involving Sylvanas.
To put it simple devs cheapened him even in that. Cause to pretend his “emotional pain” will be the same as WC3 Sylvanas is laughable. And yet another failed attempt to make him “interesting and relatable” to the players.
I don’t think you know what self-insert means. Which is weird cause it’s kinda self-explanatory.
It is funny you saying this while I just referenced a scene from a movie with a similar premise where the hero in that movie is killing random racists and homophobes but still looks horrified about the carnage he is inflicting while having no control over it. Which you just happened to ignore. I doubt Harry has any emotional investment towards such horrible people but he still feels guilt for killing them during and after the event. I guess Harry Heart is also an “uwu cinnamon roll baby”? He is played by Colin Firth so I can understand that.