I don’t think it will be the same as Sylvanas, no where close. I don’t think they’re setting it up to the be the same magnitude.
I think Anduin is a side character right now being used to allow Sylvanas’s character to be progressed and redeemed. They’re going to make Anduin feel bad, but I don’t think we’re going to have to suffer through it.
Sylvanas will be the star of the show and will be able to relate to Anduin, but I didn’t read Blizzard’s cinematic as allowing Anduin to mimic’s Sylvanas torment entirely.
Sure Valko… only “well developed” characters twist the story to stay unchanged instead of well… evolving according to the story. This is deffinitely NOT the actual trait shared by characters that act as the fantasy vehicle for the writer to play “hero”, no sir!!
Me thinks we have a huge difference in opinion. Let´s leave it at this, if you fancy him well… I´ll respect your choice but sure as hell NOT share it, tyvm.
Anduin feels guilty over killing an ant, that´s no character growth whatsoever so… yes? I´ll ignore what I already know it´s there? His “suffering” comes as artificial and pointless when the misery result from his actual CHOICES is literally ignored by him AND the narrative.
Ergo my comment regarding him being a “welfare” parody. Cause we all already know Anduin feels bad for hurting an ant -if not his forgiveness of the Horde in Bfa come as Disociative Personality Disorder-, so… him feeling “bad” for a blue moron is kinda redundant info being given to us?
Oh I know (reason why I put emphasis in the word undead, it was sarcasm)… I was hoping he became actually undead like Arthas did when he fell to the control of Frostmourne. It would had made an actual unescapable consequence for Blanduin in the story.
There’s something really…“off” to me about that whole cinematic. It comes across kind of cheap and tacky having something as important as a Jailer-controlled Anduin killing the Archon be just sorta tossed off as what’s essentially an advertisement for a patch rather than be revealed as an in-game event cinematic that’s properly tied into the questing narrative.
It doesn’t make the events therein bad per se, but I feel like this doesn’t really belong in an out-of-game reveal at Blizzcon.
Honestly revisiting their interaction in Legion it seemed like her and Varian had a thing, the way their dialogue went. Oh Christ if she winds up secretly being his mom I am going to laugh so hard.
all this thread proves to me is i’m glad they don’t hire any of you to write anything because it would be the most boring and horrible thing imaginable
Who is even self-inserting into him? Christie Golden? A…57 year old woman who already has a known OC character? I understand that most of your frontal lobe is dedicated to unearned smugness but try to think about this for a moment.
Because he probably has Denathrius’ key. The only 3 that remain are the Winter Queen’s, the Arbiter (who houses the Jailer’s key) and the Primus who is in a very remote location apparently. Likely Korthia.
If all it took to trick the Archon into letting someone see her to assassinate her was sending a mortal king, why didn’t the Jailer send one of the billion kings from all over the universe he’s tortured for millenia.
The Eternal Ones are all siblings confirmed. Not just a turn of phrase, they are actually brothers and sisters
Bastion survives the Archon. The Eternal Ones aren’t as important as we thought.
The Eternal Ones are liars and are clearly keeping secrets. Why would they not share what Zovaal did to deserve banishment?
The Kyrian are ridiculous and the way they behave is a borderline plot hole at this point
Overall I’m not feeling this. I don’t care about the Archon and even as a Sylvanas fan I don’t think Sylvanas is behaving in a manner consistent with her previous iterations. I mean she’s in a raid with Kel’Thuzad…we are way beyond the looking glass with that one.
Yeah, the fact she’s on the same side as Kel’thuzad leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. The fact they haven’t bothered to address this worries me, too.
The fact that she is on the side of the Jailer is the worrying part. I mean hes the architect of the Scourge and was the one driving Arthas to do his bidding through the lichking/Frostmourne.
Everything that has happen to her has been due to him.
An interesting theory regarding the runecarver/primus is that he is a lich and his soul wouldn’t be in his body like Kyrestia. And his warning about keeping the jailer from the sepulcher is because that is where his soul/phylactery/key is. Would explain why the jailer locked him up rather than destroy him as he would just reform from his phylactery.
I take back my statement from earlier about the Runecarver/Primus being deconfirmed.
Nah, considering his disgusting influence in the story probably an actual member of the executive board… one of the actual people in control so to speak.
Do you know how I know Blanduin is nothing but a self insert? Cause he gets the “player character” treatment, NOT the actual “character inside the story” treatment. Let´s take for example this very cinematic. The moment he “regains control” is NOT portrayed as a show of dominance/power play coming from the Jailor´s hands (no sass nor any other indication about Zooval actually “playing” the torture game with Blanduin; if anything the guy is acting quite apathetic regarding him caring over his tool fulfilling it´s job and nothing else, no emotional stakes whatsoever that would justify Anduin´s 2 secs of “suffering”); it came as Anduin “momentarily overpowering the Big Bad of the Death realm”… and sorry but this is stuff writers reserve for the Player Power Fantasy, NOT the actual characters being used and developed in the story.
I mean he as a “mere Human mortal” finished the equivalent of a Titan with ONE blow of his sword… and you may say the sword has the maw power, but the comical superhero jump was ALL Blanduin, no Maw nor Jailor involvement here, Valko. Heck, thye fact he gets to keep his “life” while being used as an agent of “death” when Arthas WAS made an undead says it all about how Anduin is but a special snowflake in the story of epical proportions… ergo the self insert of someone with actual power to dictate the story.
I thought they were leaning towards a parallel of Anduin and Sylvanas/Forsaken rather than Arthas. Arthas willingly chose it, whereas it was forced on Sylvanas and the Forsaken. Even though they didn’t willingly serve the Scourge, the Forsaken were still lumped in with the Scourge and hated. Personally, I thought that was an interesting element to the Forsaken in vanilla (well, before Blizz had the Forsaken lean into eating puppies in Cataclysm), but I digress.
The issue is that the Archon is part of the problem and/or inconsequential. Without Anduin killing someone more important, this plot line or parallel will fall flat. For example, Anduin killing Baine, Jaina, the Arbiter (and permanently screwing up the circle of life and death for everyone), etc. and taking the blame could bring it full circle. Granted, I doubt Blizz would ever kill Jaina.