9/7/2019 Server Issues

I feel like the power grid attack should be more concerning than this WoW attack so guessing thats the priority atm lol

I for one can’t wait for the next T&E video to see Taliesin refer to the s%*tshow on the forums.

It’s a DDOS attack. Blizz can’t really do much to stop it. Just console yourself with the knowledge that the idiot behind it is bragging on Twitter and will undoubtedly be arrested and tossed in jail soon.


should be a law for messing with wow players game time !!! ty for the great support.

It’s pretty obvious what’s going on, but maybe only smart people can figure it out.


Looks like she has edited the original post. It made a little more sense because she was stating that she wasn’t going to give more details in order to not give any credit to those who might be attacking via a DDOS.

Trust me, she wasn’t being a jerk in the original post :wink:

got kicked off when i logged back in there was only access to Mythic server US then i lost access to that.

Was on for a good 15 minutes but no more 
. how has such a big company not found a way to block or deflect such attacks

Assuming that’s not just something that was setup as bait. It could very well be a completely innocent person for all we know.

There actually were a few times in vanilla where Blizzard gave everyone a few free days of play time because they had outages similar to this.


servers are back up aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

I feel like the Blizzard engineers probably aren’t going to be working on the power grid

well got 10 min in of killing before he went back after the us servers
 he is gloating on downing them as fast as blizzard fixes them
 i doubt this will be solved before the end of the weekend
 All because poor little johnny had his bots banned

Well considering EVERYBODY knows who the person(s) who are doing it are
 and constantly giving him/them the attention he/they want, no point in Blizzard doing so. We know what’s going on, it’s a DDoS attack. Could be directly to Blizzard, however said person(s) have already said they’re attacking the service provider, the backbone of the WoW servers.
So instead of them constantly prowling on the forums and answering the same questions over and over again and having to give out details, I’d rather they keep it short and sweet, like they did and work on fixing the issue, like they’re doing.


For those complaining about people complaining. Some of us. like me, have been waiting all week to get a chance to play
think about it, it sucks!


Bwizzawrd isn’t being nice to me. Pwease teww me evewything is gonna be ok.

Is this isolated to Classic WoW servers or WoW servers in general?

One free month sub for everyone. Please smash those like and subscribe buttons.


Yes folks, there are issues.

And no, I’m not going to give more details.

Being worked on.

Thank you for your patience.

What’s really cool about your post, is that you know more than Blizz. I am not sure where you are getting your info, but according to the above quote, it seems like they are not giving any more details.

Blizzard is doing what they can. Now it is time for the community to step up and do their part. What do I mean by this?

Let me lay it out in simple terms that even a Orc Peon can understand it.

The group or person behind this attack is doing so because he is getting attention. The more we discuss it, the more we publicize his actions the longer he will continue this attack.

So how can we help blizzard as a community?

BY SHUTTING UP simple. Quit discussing the person. Act like its no big deal and move on. Go play Runescape, something else for the time being then come back.