9.0 is actually 8.4

By this logic WoD was barely a patch.

Yeah i wish m+ would go too, makes raids feel less important and honestly made me slip out of end game content.

I don’t think you understand what I mean by gearing system. Can you provide a source that everything we have right now in terms of how we obtain gear will be exactly the same? Saying we will have LFR and M+ doesn’t mean much to me.

m+ is a run for a weekly loot box to get rng gear upgrades.same thing in shadowlands but no wf/tf so gear caps out and you have to raid to up grade.

watch the shadowlands inverviews its all discussed there.

You’re telling me that LFR existing means the gearing will be the same? Also, PvP gear hasn’t been mentioned.

Edit: You literally just responded to someone else with a difference between BFA and SL. Case in point.

i don’t mind the raiding to upgrade but i wont get into that because my opinion is biased.

M+ gives access to the weekly box, but the most geared people in the game are typically those who spam it, not just do it once a week. chaining M+ is pretty rewarding especially at the start of a tier. People run M+ looking for certain keys the same way you run UBRS/LBRS/Strat/ etc. wouldn’t you agree?

and get another system that does a similar thing so at the end of the day were still net positive compared to talents and talents do the same thing. How many classes have the same talent rows they had 1 or 2 expacs ago? Between the 4 classes I played none of them do.

Yeah i miss when you went from gearing in dungeons, then work through the different raids up. Not just make all previous tier raids irrelevant and up the ilevel of dungeons every patch. M+ gear shouldnt be comparable to raid rear. That’s one of things i miss end game.


I thought BFA and WOD looked great too.

No, I think you’re confused. 8.4 means it’s a release of the 8 branch, whereas 9 is a major version bump.

They say a lot of things. They said they were working towards class pruning to make classes more fun and “identity” - and look where that ended up.

What a joke. May as well just reward heroic and mythic raid loot from just logging in on a Tuesday. And delete raids as they seem to want to make them the worst and least lucrative gearing system in the game.

As a horde warlock? Umm, none yet.

Yep, I forgot that alpha/beta/prepatch/9.1/9.2/9.3/nextexpansion will fix it.

Have bosses in raids and dungeons actually drop loot you can farm and completely get rid of this stupid casino box. Also a weekly lockout on loot from M+.

WoD was a joke.

See this thread: Bring back 5mans that has been going for nearly a year.

same m+ with rng lootbox on tuesday same lfr/n/h/m raids you thing they are going to change the pvp system?

shadowlads is bfa 2.0 with a xmog over it.


same retail caps out at a m+ 10 and the only way to upgrade is rng gearing…its a crap show and why people dont like bfa.

So because of two mediocre expansions out of the eight released, you’re going to assume Shadowlands is also going to be bad?



You already mentioned a difference in how gear is going to work in SL versus what we have now.

And considering how they haven’t revealed how PvP gear is going to work yet, yeah, I think there is a chance for it to change. People have been begging for PvP vendors to come back all throughout BFA, commenting on how crappy it is to gear for PvP right now. For this one thing, I will give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt that something will change for PvP.

they are not adding vendors for pvp i am expecting them to keep the pvp gearing system the same since they are keeping the pve systems the same.

common sense.

I mean we didn’t get any in pandaria as a horde OR alliance warlock soooo…if anything this just argues for allied race > brand new race. Were getting horde warlock AR in 8.3 where as with only 1 new race we wouldn’t have had any the entire expac.

Do you not know how gearing worked in past expansions? Specifically WOD?

Look, friend, I’m going to wait for an official announcement. And I already like the fact that WF/TF is going away, based on what you said above. Already an improvement.

considering they have said no PVP vendor again, its going to be RNG and the stupid weekly conquest system again for pvp gearing.


This is where I want a source.

same m+,same lfr/n/h/m raids so same pvp system to me so dont get your hopes up.


At this point, with the class variety we have, it’s challenging - to say the least - to imagine many new classes that don’t have to take something away from an existing class to make them work…and seriously; no thanks.