9.0 is actually 8.4

The whole shadowlands expansion reads and feels like a larger content patch. There’s no new class or race. There’s no spec overhauls. They’re just adding a few new factions to get rep with, changing artifact power to anima power and retaining the same old dreary M+ and world quest repetitious grind.

It just doesn’t FEEL like an expansion. Even the blizzcon reveal trailer was really light and vague. It feels like they are just announcing Argus or nazjatar.


I agree. They need to add more. I like the 4 direction thing. The rest could be put in a patch. I am hoping they finally give a good pre launch release.


Honestly, I have to agree. Looking at what SL brings to the table it does indeed feel like a large content patch rather than a full expansion.

Either it needs to launch earlier than normal or there better be a metric f—ton of content.


??? No new class = not an expac?

That’s kinda wild.


No, it’s not JUST no new class. It’s the combination of there not being a new class, a new race… not even another talent row!


I still think we have only a tiny fraction of information to really be coming to a conclusion, though with blizzard these days I could end up being wrong of course, however I expect its going to be bit more grand simply for them attempting to recover from Bfa. https://imgur.com/a/3HTZ9el


Theyve added more races to the game then in any other expac and allied races are likely continuing into shadowlands so another 6 races… need more than 6 races?

Were getting more than a new talent row with covenants. A new talent row is 1 ability OR 1 passive. Were getting multiple abilities and passives as well as multiple abilities per class returning…like bruh


My bad, I forgot that we shouldn’t worry because it’s only alpha/beta/prepatch/9.0/pre-raid-balancing/9.1/9.2/9.3/next exp will fix it

We’re getting more borrowed power you mean.

They add allied races in minor patches, not expansions.


Oh no, their not rebloating the game. with 3-4 abilities permanent every expac …what a tragedy. QQ

Sorry last time I checked a patch is infact, in an expansion xD


Ah. So no new class, race and talent means not an expansion. Coolio.


You don’t know that. At this point I don’t even think they know that.

And changing leveling to be linear again. Covenant abilities. Level squish. Goi g alt friendly by allowing alts to start WQ or skip to the covena t they want at the beginning. To name but a few things.

They are still fleshi g things out and feeling them. When we got BFA announcement we got a release date. Please note we do not have one this time around. Give them time.

I am all for criticism when it is due. I just don’t feel it is due at the moment. We literally have pretty much nothing to criticize or get excited about. Yet


This sounds like another “The expansion isn’t what I wanted, so it’s not really an expansion”

Entire new continent, dungeons, raids, completely new features, and total revamp on leveling.

I know there are things Blizz needs to answer soon, but these “doesn’t seem like an expansion” takes are garbage.


Pray tell, what new features did we miss in the trailer? The Roguelite tower which is pretty much a dungeon or the covenant system which is likely to be just a third iteration of the borrowed power system akin to artifacts and the HoA?


well i mean… they did damage control at blizzcon. Touching on creative ideas in the work for shadowlands.
We are no where near the beta or even alpha… its hard to really say how much content is coming next xpac.


Yeah it does feel that way.

Have to see if they can add more layers to shadowlands when alpha/beta opens up.


To be fair the initial patch will probably be quite short due to the leveling overhaul and new customizations

Which i see has a fair trade-off


There should be no more classes … they can’t balance right now why on earth would anyone want more classes ?


See this is exactly what I mean. You’re answering questions that literally haven’t been answered.

Covenants, tower, and Soul binding. We don’t have the details yet, but they have specifically said these are different systems than we have now.

If you want to actually be somewhat constructive, push for more answers/details. Until then, all these ‘recycled ideas’ and ‘not an expansion’ takes are equivalent to every other post whining with no actual feedback


So, 8.0 is 7.4 which means 9.0 is 7.5

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Which is a true statement, but with that being said why is there no spec overhauls? Are we really taking the same mechanically gimped classes into SL? Rogues will continue to be the M+ gods with their overtuned toolkit?


A dungeon, they showed gameplay. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a duck.

Artifact power/Azerite Power 3.0, which we’ve also seen screenshots of.

After 10+ years of Warcraft I feel a bit beyond buzzwords and rewording of already established concepts.