80% Dragonriding in old world

Still faster then static flying. Losing 20% isn’t a huge loss.


Nah it just gets old seeing people turn every molehill into a mountain (lol). This is a Karen thread if I’ve ever seen one. All it’s missing is the “slap in the face” comment.

If youre hopping from quest to quest in a small zone, you really dont need DRing speed too much. Ive been zipping around with druid flight for days now and its getting me where I need to go.
The only time I’ll pull up a DRing mount is if Im crossing huge distances, say top of one zone to bottom of the other.
20% reduction in speed will certainly make a difference.

Like I said…with this change its pretty likely that I’ll just use old flight given 99% of the time Im not crossing 6 zones in one shot.


Doesnt really matter to me either way, personally. I didnt die before DRing and I’ll be ok after. Im more interested in getting my old mounts working more than stressing about 20% speed difference.

But like I posted above…this just feels like another “Ion” flight thing to me more than a technical issue
The man reminds me of my ex wife. lol.
She had to have control over every situation…even if it was entirely meaningless…just to make sure everyone knew who the ‘boss’ was. lol

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So you want to try to farm herbs, or mine ore, or even just fly from A to B at 800%+ speed in the old world?

You are aware that it isn’t really all that big.

Couple of those new turbo button thingys and you go from Eversong Woods portal to Booty Bay in like 20 seconds, or very close to 20 seconds.

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They already said the reason. The zones are too small so they dont want to trivialize it further.


Its still faster then normal flying with the smaller zones its still going to be extremely fast.

Pretty sure the game assets won’t even load for some players at that speed.
It would just be a blank dark gray blurr as it all went wizzing by.

Forget about anything loading on the mini map to mark herb/ore nodes.

…on second thought. As an herbalist that farms for the gold and alchemy mats. Yes, you should be able to go 800% or even faster really.


I was informed of this further down this thread.

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this is false. you must travel slower when the distance is shorter. Or you won’t experience travel at all. This is not hard. Why are you not getting this? what’s wrong with you?

Many things apparently! I’m not sure I’ve ever enjoyed travel through routes I already know. In real life or video games.

It’s never “Sweet. We are getting dragon riding in the old world.” It’s always “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! It’s too slow, I hate you Blizz!”


they killed then whole point of this feature in a second. this is one of the worst changes they ever made. it will be as slow as soar now with additional boosts to maybe max 1000% and not 1400%. they farming L like every day after overhyped blizzcon

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In their defense, Ions like “Hey…we’re doing this, hope you like it”
Weeks later…
“hey…we said we’re doing this, but we’re now doing something else”

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But they aren’t doing something else. It’s still dragonriding. Instead of going 1200% speed, you’re going around 830% speed. That’s still twice as fast as static flying. And it’s how Soar has been in old world since day one.

They gave a very logical explanation for it.

I don’t understand the outrage by everyone.


its like I said…DRing for long distances across multiple zones. somehow Im betting if we’re just running between NPCs in Westfall DRing is hardly even needed. Old flight is fine.
DRing, even in the new zone…Im only using it if Im covering a long distance trip.
Mostly Im just druid flighting between quests.
Its just another ‘problem’ that didnt need to be fixed if you ask me.

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I’m they probably have a technical reason for it.

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I don’t think you understand how much bigger Dragonflight zones are than other zones.

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Correct. Westfall, 6 times end to end, would fit inside the Azure Span end to end.