Oh, I… I mean that’s what I thought. I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.
I might be confusing people. I don’t care too much about this, specifically. I just saw a dude post how it might be about disconnects.
But I’m letting my salt leak in from sharding, which is also about disconnects.
I honestly think that people won’t dragonride as much as they are saying they will. People are inherently lazy and in video games moreso. They’ll do it for a week to a month and then go back to AFKing on their old world flying mounts while watching a youtube video or something.
Edit: Not everyone, but a good chunk of people will.
This is ludicrously pants-on-head stupid.
There is nothing rational about this.
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And…here is the rug pull.
I warned y’all.
BlizZard always does this.

Well, I am not mad per se, just disappointed.
It’s still faster than TBC style, but I’d prefer them not to touch the speed. Because the speed was part of the reason why it was fun. It’s still fun, but like a little less so.
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it makes sense,
if it was 800% speed youd not even see the zone
If dropping it down a bit keeps people from nuking a whole zone or forcing a realm to go offline like has the potential of doing at full speed with 900 people in a zone flying… I’m cool with it.
Let me add that DR easily breaks leashing mechanics in a blink which makes it harder to balance in that way. But so far BlizZard hasn’t shown any attention to that…yet lol.

Not yet. When those zones were first created, they werent made to be able to fly in. Seems like in Midnight, Silvermoon will be remade and we should be able to fly there i’d assume
our flying mounts going tarded at the beginning of every expansion and forgetting how to fly makes zero sense too…but they did it anyway. lol
this is false.
hubs were designed for walking and distances are much shorter in old world.
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Im way too OCD to not notice something like that. lol.
I’ll do the math. If it seems like DRing isnt faster enough to matter, I’ll just use my old flight so I can AFK and eat lunch lol
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That’s what I’m thinking too. Go too fast and you’ll get disconnected. Zipping through several zones in the span of minutes; that can’t be good for the server.
Blizz should just come forward and candidly admit the old world zones can’t handle the speeds and leave it at that.
I guarantee you will not notice with how small the old world is compared to these dragonflight zones. 640% speed compared to the usual 310% speed most have is still going to feel ridiculous.
I’d give you the benefit of the doubt if we were already using DRing in the old world, but we aren’t. Nobody’s going to notice a slower experience.
What are you responding to?
The status of anything in the old world is irrelevant to reducing speed for no discernable reason being stupid.
It wouldn’t matter if the old world was designed for half walking speed. The concepts have nothing to do with each other.
I dont see this being any different from using static flight in Dragon Isles.
want to quickly get from point A to point B? Dragonflight.
Want to hop around short distances? Static flight.
Evoker flying tho is badass.
lol. 310? My normal flight speed is like 420 or so with old flight, Im pretty sure.
640 is about 50% faster so great…but yeah…I’ll notice a 20% decrease if it happens.
what, are you a blizzard employee or something?
you seem awful defensive about this lol.
Just feels like…Ion…to me, though lol