80% Dragonriding in old world

It is still going to be faster than 310% flying. Like come on.


If they (Bliz) didnt tell you, most ppl probably wouldnt even notice in the first place lol


The whole point of dr was exactly this, zoomimg across zones having fun. To tuose saiing “uou wiuldnt notice 20%” bri weve been goin at max speed for months now u think peopie wont notice? To the itjet blizzard apoligists saying “tech issue” THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THAT IN THE DEV NOTES, someone at blizzard thought they were doing us a favor.

After almost 3 months of DF lovers trolling everyone demanding Old School flying back…I am LOVING THIS.


Only benefit to dragon riding is how quick it is. Kinda lame they’re slowing it down.

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:smiling_imp: That too :smiling_imp: :upside_down_face:

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Reason they did this is simple, it makes the zones feel stupidly tiny and apparently hard to navigate because you smash into everything at maximum speed.


i remeber when they nerfed riding speeds before. the world will go on.

I use flight form all the time.

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Source please for old world DR

With how tiny the old world is in comparison to DF, I don’t really see the problem. You’re still going multiple times faster than regular flying.

check the ptr

the link was already posted. :confused:

Ahhhh Blizzard… king of the self inflicted wounds lol

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This was my first thought. It also wouldn’t be the first time that Blizzard has avoided admitting to technical limitations with some silly PR excuse.

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What a bizarre nerf. Zooming around quickly is the appeal of dragon riding.

It’s not like traveling quicker in the old world gives anyone any kind of advantage in this content.

Blizzard once again finding solutions for problems that don’t exist.

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It’s almost 100% a zone/server stability ‘nerf’ to keep the servers from being consistently offline.

The way I see it, they implemented something so you could get around quicker and more, literally, dynamically. They could have just not implemented it and made you crawl through the skies the same way you have been doing this whole time before Dragonflight. Then you’d have nothing to complain about, but instead it’s being give freely but ‘omg they nerfed the speed a little for technical reasons let’s all complain and whine like it’s killing the game’.



Meanwhile @ Blizz HQ


If i had to guess, it’s because of the small group of players out there that aren’t using an SSD, if they dragon ride through content that originally wasn’t designed for it, bad things probably happen lol

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