My hunter. Logged in exactly once since the patch (for darkshore). I did one heroic clear and got carried through like 1 or 2 10s. I was 378 before the patch. Running exactly 3 pieces of gear that required SOME sort of effort. Notice how everything else is emissary or warfront/assault gear. Someone shouldn’t be able to get above heroic IL when 80% of their gear starts with the words Honorbound.
My stat weights are trash and the weapon replaced a 370 assault weapon. Honestly the only gear I am rocking that was a massive “upgrade” over casual content were the rings because you cant get those slots from trivial content prior to 8.1 with tortollan changes.
What makes you think Blizzard will handle it differently this time around?
Source for their “significantly” nerfing forging in 8.1 relative to Legion? It looks to me like it’s at least as high and maybe higher.
Maybe if you never play and so have no chance to get them, they won’t. In my case, a single piece of titanforged gear pushed my overall ilvl up by several points, and I have two other pieces of titanforged gear on, plus warforges; the total increase is 6+ character ilvl and we’re less than half way through the patch. Anyone who plays spammable content more than an hour a day will see similar benefits.
This character and its progression is a good example of why I stopped.
I’m 399 now, 1 run for a single kill of some ( not all ) heroic bosses from Dazar’Alor, 2 +10’s. You know what Ilvl I was before I stepped foot into that raid, or completed those 2 mythic 10’s that same week? 395.
I was higher ilvl than what normal raid drops, so I didn’t even step foot into that. I was about to reach 400 ilvl, the CAP of what +10 mythics drop and I only ran 2 ( 1 was a failure to time ).
Even in my position, I recognize I never deserved to get this item level, and I absolutely refuse to gamble any further. Remind me once Titanforging is gone, maybe i’ll consider resubbing.
Those of you defending this system, you harm the game.
Blizzard’s design intention isn’t for it to be an alternate path. It’s basically there to give people a reason to constantly redo the content they already do. The initial reason for thunderforged in ToT was so that guilds that were full clearing for a few months and getting geared out could look for more upgrades.
From there on out it just snowballed. They went balls deep with it in WoD by letting quest items upgrade (which I don’t think anyone objects about) and then just kept letting things roll higher and higher.
Really, that’s all the WF/TF system is there for. To encourage you to do content you otherwise wouldn’t because there’s a chance it’ll be forge into something worthwhile. Everyone draws their line for how far they’ll go on that, but that’s really what the design is, not an alternative gear path.
Because it’s not as necessary now as it was back then. And even if they do increase the azerite gear rewards, that stuff can’t WF/TF so it is 100% irrelevant to the discussion about WT/TF.
6 ilvls isn’t a lot? 6 ilvls is enough to push you into the next rewrds tier for Emissary caches, which will bring you up about ~4 ilvls, which, combined with other welfare caches, is enough to bump you into the next tier of Emissary cache rewards. And After +10, you’ll probably be in range for improved Azerite rewards, from 370 to 385. Which will bump you up even more.
You can go up 15 item levels in a couple weeks by playing maybe 4-5 hours overall. Depends on how much Mythic+ you care to do.
Also 6 item levels can be about 7-10% performance boost, depending on the items (excluded weapons).
Nerfing “extreme Titanforging” is not the same as a significant nerf to all forging, which is what we’re talking about at this point. And extreme titanforging is still too common as well.
Then by this logic you should be okay with titanforging maxing out to 10 ilvls seeing that those same players would never be as geared as Mythic players right?
It’s really not a lot, and casuals aren’t doing +10s. Also, you’re acting like emissary rewards give out gear all the time and that you’ll always get a piece you need an upgrade for.
I’d love to see your stats that prove that it’s still “too common”. You people act as if winning the lottery proves that jobs are worthless.
No. That’s not even remotely close to what I said.
You don’t need to do +10’s for Heroic-quality gear. You can get by with +7’s for guaranteed 400’s each week.
Emissary caches rewards gear often, usually 2-3 times per week.
Then you have your rotating Warfronts and Weekly Adventure Guide quest – Timewalking this week awarded 385, and 4 Mythic Dungeons runs last week awarded Heroic (which can be easily completed by doing M0).
And when you’re gearing up from, you’ll usually get a upgrade. So yes – you’ll constantly be rewarded. The thing that does “need” to WF/TF are rings. Everything else can be “just use the highest ilvl piece” and you’ll generally be correct.
Tell me how 3-5 guaranteed 385+ pieces each week isn’t a lot? Hell, 1 of them is guaranteed to be 400+ with just a -little- bit of effort.
Don’t complain you got a lucky roll. I hadn’t gotten anything from 6 straight M+ dungeons except AP even used a roll and got AP from it. Then just a few mins ago bam got a 420 ring. from a +4 lol…
So what’s the problem? Why is titanforging such a huge necessity? You can’t say, well it doesn’t matter because they’ll never be that ilvl anyway and then not be okay when I present one that does the same thing you claim already happens.