The azerite armor cache and other item rewards are capped at 385… but it’s completely useless to me and I’m sure many players. Can this be upgraded to 400 please? Thank you!
You want current heroic raid level gear simply for logging into the game? Xd
They’re capped at 385? I’m 375 and I still only have 370 as the highest caches, and 360 as the highest world quest rewards. How do I unlock the 385 ones?
Well to be fair the heroic raid doesn’t offer me upgrades either… not really at least.
No thanks, I like when gear is earned. Not handed like a bribe
It’s way too early for those to go that high, maybe 8.2. You’re decked out in gear ranging from 395-420, so obviously WQs have not been your primary means of gearing.
It’s mainly just for azerite gear, would love other ring options or offspec pieces that aren’t bad 385 pieces. Otherwise I have to pay 10k+ gold to keep reforging my azerite gear.
Are trying to cause the forums to meltdown? Last time blizzard gave out a 400 ilvl gear it about drowned everyone on the forums, way too many tears.
No, he wants more options for azerite traits on gear the same ilvl as he already has. Which is what azerite emissaries are meant to be there for.
They might get scaled to 400 later since in Uldir they were scaled up to 370 at the end which was heroic ilvl.
As someone that does not run Mythic+ Dungeons or Raids, I think the current level is fine. If you really need higher ilevel gear then get with a group that does organized content.
I guess so I will just wait then
No, they’re meant to be there to help start gearing newer 120s or alts.
This is the reason
For this.
Even at 400 it would give actual titan residuum too vs what 36 for a 385? There’s no downside to what I’m suggesting. Only for people at 400+ ilvl though obviously.
I mean, why not reward 500 Ilvl for wqs? Right?
What you really want is the removal of azerite traits being locked in on armor pieces. Let us pick and choose the traits we want to run and change them the same way we change talents, in rested areas. Get rid of the whole pay to reforge system all together it’s stupid.
Chaaka 500 ilvl would be ridiculous no just something that is just under my ilvl
is this a joke right?