And I expect you to never say anything if it doesn’t happen, only to keep Chicken Littling and spreading FUD so you can keep pretending to have a point.
But getting the best gear still takes determination and doing the hardest content to acquire. A person killing seagulls and crabs is 99% of the time not going to be on par with a Mythic raider, or even a Heroic raider.
Difficulty is subjective. By the time 8.1.5 comes out I will probably be on par with the vast majority of 8/8 mythic raiders if not higher. My guild will most likely only get the first mythic boss down. Im already 404 unequipped and I haven’t really put any effort or spent a great amount of time doing it.
If WF/TF didn’t exist, your item level would be almost the same. And you grossly overestimate just how much casuals play the game. So you’re just spreading FUD so you can pretend to have a point.
You know we had a thread a little over a month ago that was talking about players that were over 380 with doing only casual content? The conclusion that we came to in that thread was that the same thing is possible but it only takes a bit longer to achieve due to having to get lucky. And that was because there were players that came out and showed their armory and it was true. A lot of people think it’s some sort of anomaly but looking at situations like OPs trinket. An items that’s a blue but 5 ilvls over the baseline of Mythic is not something that should even be possible.
Thanks for reading and understanding the whole post. I do think the significant number of additional reports of 45-85 ilvl titanforges in the thread tend to confirm the idea that the current code has an issue; an 85 ilvl titanforge should be nearly impossible, something like 1 in a billion. The suggested fix should be very easy to code.
I do think there’s a separate issue that spammable or near spammable content ends up being effectively 10-20 ilvl higher than its nominal ilvl, which causes the game design to misfire in places.
Because that’s now a slot that can’t progress, despite its being early in the expansion; it’s like part of the game has been removed, which reduces the incentive to continue to play.
Not correct. They increased the cap on emissaries from normal raiding 355 to heroic raiding 370 half way through 8.0, because forged 355s were causing ultracasuals to top out and quit playing. Then the ultracasuals started getting forged 370s, which is why they ended up better geared than the raiders in that one Heroic raiding guild someone mentioned.
If Blizzard wants to keep those casuals subscribed, they’ll have to increase the emissary cap from 385 to 400 in this patch too. And they’re not going to voluntarily give up subscribers.
Cutting back on forging chances would permit them to slow down this inflation, without risking subscriber loss. That would be a good thing.
You needed to be 361, which you could easily get from forges of 355 gear plus warfronts.
About half his equipped gear is already forged mythic+; by 8.1.5, forging will probably account for 5 ilvl or more for him. That’s enough to make the difference between “on par with” and “not on par with”. And if he ran enough mythic+ to get the fair number of titanforges that I see on many profiles, it could make up for most of a raid tier’s worth of difference.
In other words, you still don’t have any proof that it has ever happened. Just a lot of supposition. You people are vastly overestimating the frequency of WF/TF so you can keep arguing for it’s removal.
Again, they did this as a stopgap fix due to complaints about azerite gear acquisition. They will not be increasing emissary rewards in 8.1.5.
They won’t do that until after 8.2 goes live.
They already significantly nerfed WF/TF this expansion. They reduced the chance of it happening, and there are four slots that can’t WF/TF at all, plus weapons can only WF. It has already been nerfed quite a bit.
You had to be pretty lucky to get those forges, and that they wouldn’t be duplicates of gear you already had. Plus Warfronts don’t cover all slots. And again, azerite armor can’t WF/TF at all, so that’s another three slots that would be stuck at 340.
WF/TF does not increase your average item level nearly as much as you think it does.
Talking about and providing actual links are two different things. It’s very easy to say some people are drowning in WF/TF to the point that they are on par with Mythic raiders, it’s much more difficult to provide examples of it happening.
Thing is you weren’t there to be a part of the discussion so you missed out on that proof. It would take another lengthy thread to figure out where some players are right now. What we have right now is a player that has a blue that’s 5 ilvls higher than something that can drop on Mythic difficulty.
The amount of quality gear that’s just handed out and with the option to titanforge on top of it is just too much. And the gear that’s given out as well as forging needs to be toned down.
Isn’t that hilariously stupid? 380, only 5 levels below normal level raiding and 10 ilevels above LFR, is “outdated” now because of the prevalence of TF and the absurdity of freebie gear handouts. Sad times.
It’d be pretty simple to link me the thread that contains armory links, even if those armory links are now out of date. But I’m willing to bet that no armory links were provided in that thread. Just a lot of supposition and overestimation so people can keep arguing against WF/TF.
A blue item. One item. That’s not going to propel your average item level to 420.
WF/TF has already been toned down. You are purposefully overestimating how often it happens.
Let’s go over it again:
First, they reduced the chance of WF/TF happening compared to Legion, where it was already pretty low.
Second, the neck piece and azerite armor pieces can not WF/TF at all, so that’s four slots that are locked out of the system.
Third, weapons can only WF, so people doing world quests are never going to catch up with Mythic raiders.