3v3 MMR Nerfed? No one Qing?

I’ve been saying this forever but people just call me a troll, thank you for confirming that the participation is higher this season than any prior :slight_smile:

i wouldn’t say it’s worthless, i guess in the grand scheme of things it is but he was just providing context to the blanket statement blue made, which is seeming to imply increased participation = game good. more ppl are playing arena but it sure as hell aint cuz it’s inna good spot

:open_mouth: :hushed: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: this is the first time a blue has posted in these forums in almost 2 years!! wow!! :flushed: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face:


Probably because we’re being pushed to gear up in PVP because the PVE loot system is garbage right now due to relying on RNG for our gear.

AKA: Add vendors to both PVE and PVP… Anima cell Tokens don’t count when even that isn’t reliable…


What are you going to do about all the gladiators, duelists, etc queueing into 1400-1700 rated teams they massively outgear? Fix your damn game. 65% of games in that bracket should not be complete unwinnable uphill battles.

Also, why are you not punishing the high rated players that are pretty transparent in the fact that they sell arena carries as “coaching” for real money?


I need to start using this irl

So. What about boosters? Are you guys looking into that?


Can you expand on this? What rating is upper bound? is it the 3200 rated players? Does people at 2k+ but below 3k will see any noticable result with this change?

How does it make sense for someone’s rating that play less to be overcomed by someone that play more?


They’re probably talking about overall stats which is true according to rank 1 spots if you consider the numbers of the entire season, but it’s obviously not the case anymore since everyone quit.


But… how will any of this stop the boosting problem and entry issues?

Seems to be a way to railroad those who already finished their goals to have to keep playing. Is there something here I’m missing?


Of course the participation was at an all time high, when PvE is/was at an all time low in terms of rewards. Dont pretend like it’s because PvP suddenly became super enjoyable for everyone. You literally can gear up to mythic ilvl with minimum effort or just by buying a boost.

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Not sure how I feel about these changes tbh

Just about everyone is aggressively taking a dump on the community manager, I love it. I wish I had been around sooner so that I could too


Wait, you actually think lock is trash?


Yes cause the Blue was useless and bringing terrible point that 0.1% of the base asked, nothing about alts gearing, boosting and terrible matchmaking.

Those devs and the current Ion team.are destroying this game, they have zero clue of what the players base asked, shame.



How about removing the arena ranking restriction from conquest gear upgrades. The players who earned the rank in 3v3 or RBG have upgraded their gear and now sit on that ranking. They then come to the other brackets and basically goof off in their fully upgraded gear. Or get paid to boost people. Making it impossible to progress on newer toons. Getting to 1400 in 2v2 is extremely difficult on a toon. Even if you have full honor gear upgraded to 5/5. You don’t stand a chance going against teams who have the upgrade unless you highly outskill them.
Just my opinion, but the rating restriction does nothing but make the games lopsided. If match making was done based upon the players highest rating in ANY bracket then this wouldn’t matter. But as it stands, a 1200 2v2 playerA will go up against a 2400 RBG playerB who is also in 1200 2v2 (playerB). This is not fun.


Good to see these fast fixes to issues affecting about 50 people.


Need a catch-up method installed, buff conquest/honor to encourage alts or just to make it easier in general. Increasing the high-end cap is just a band-aid fix to this ssn.

Edit: nerf intervene

Honestly I don’t blame the devs for not responding on here sometimes and going on reddit. People are rude af. Im just happy they are addressing one of the issues.

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That moment when u thought it was solo queue but its just a random fix for the 0.1% at 3k rating