Just a daily reminder

blizzard does NOT READ THESE FORUMS! If you have suggestions / comments / etc post them in the GENERAL FORUMS where they mostly hangout. thanks! :wink: :slightly_smiling_face:

thanks big doze

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Why do you think Blizzard does not read these forums?

lack of communication on top of that they havent posted on these forums in like 2 years. fairly obvious

The devs are way too busy not working on the game to come here

a rep posted a week ago and was met with harassment. Why would they come here?

thats what im saying. its like a sheep willingly walking into a den full of hungry wolves. :cold_face: :woozy_face: :cold_face: :cold_face: :cold_face:

Harassment? It was a strong disagreement with what they were saying. Community Manager said that they were implementing a system to help the top 0.1% find more games and then people said “Okay, but what about the PvP system, what’re your plans for balancing classes and fixing the ilvl gap between new players and Elites?” Then they go silent on us, as one forum goer once described Blizzard: completely unprofessional.

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