3v3 MMR Nerfed? No one Qing?

no it absolutely is not, this season absolutely had some of the highest participation wow has seen in a long time. it has definitely fallen off over the course of the season, but the first handful of weeks were 100% the most active the arena ladder has been in some time, which is why people had glad/insanely high rating almost immediately

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Do you have the actual numbers?

I wouldnā€™t be shocked at all if this season exceeded all of Legion and BfA in participation.

Between the gear incentive, the pandemic, and people just coming back after BfA this expansion was the perfect storm for participation.

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Definitely not a bad thing BUTā€¦ is like waiting to apologize a long long long long time that by the time you do itā€¦ nobody cares because we are beyond that. By the time this ppl start communicating with us, so many ppl would have already left on top of the ones that already half that just because you come out all of a sudden wonā€™t bring them back. The dmg is already done, this season has been crap from the start and like I said. Meh

Wow thanks for fixing an issues for .01% of people lolā€¦ what a joke


Thereā€™s more to the ladder than just the very top.

Like the entire base of the pyramid.


do u guys realize this change has a ripple effect that effects the base because the deflationary affect of the top end of the ladder affects the rest of the ladder

a lot of very high rated players tanked because they arenā€™t sweat nerds that sit rating and are thusly playing at significantly lower mmr than they were before everyone stopped playing

secondarily yes this season has seen more participation than bfa 2 and 3 combined, or bfa 4 and 2 or 3, or bfa seasons 1 2 and 3 combined.


thanks for the blue post but how do u guys decide when & what to reply to lol


Glad needs to be % based


Thisā€¦ like I donā€™t want to be rude and shush them away when they took the time to come here and deal with us but COME ON! Who caresā€¦ do you even know how bad it is around here and how bad the rest 99.9999% are sufferingā€¦ ridiculous



I didnā€™t expect to see you here.

I love seeing what makes you rip and phonebook in half and post lmao

  1. BFA sucked
  2. More PVErs are pvping for easier access to high ilvl gear
  3. PvP participation was high for the first month or so of the season, but it is most certainly a lot lower now
  4. of all things in PvP to decide to fix, my god

When dad is gone for years then shows up one day thereā€™s going to be an outpouring of negative emotions even if heā€™s trying to help now. Stick around for more quality time and the relationship will improve. Disappear again and the next time you show up it will be more of the same. Common sense.


They fostered this kind of resentment on the forums through years of terrible communication and silence. Itā€™s not surprising that their first post back whether itā€™s bad or good is met with frustration. You reap what you sow, itā€™s not the playerā€™s fault here.


Iā€™m pretty sure a Blizzard community manager, who has access to the internal data, isnā€™t the one thatā€™s false here.

You should check how many of them are buying boosts.

You do realize that majority of the boosts for gold players are selling gold for real money to gold farmers?


This sounds like a very effective change, thanks for the update and extend my thanks to the developers! Looking forward to this Tuesday.

Give us solo queue please! That is the roots of Arenas! It all started with duels outside of Org and SW, and those were 1 vs 1!!!

Sweet, now please address RBG ratings. Especially people boosting/selling rating. There should be some MASSIVE punish for people who constantly tank their rating in order to boost people.

Additionally, I think a fix to this type of scenario should happen:
My current rating was 1753, my team was 1980 MMR, we lost, and I lost ~10 rating. I donā€™t really think I should have lost rating in this scenario, especially because losing any RBG rating is just soul crushing when grinding.

cool list but it doesnā€™t change the fact that people are downright laughing at their assertion that more people than recent seasons are playing wow arena (true) so while your list is cool and certainly numbered its completely worthless and irrelevant

That makes sense i appreciate the perspective i like the analogy, and i laughed at the posts clowning on them however i thought it also risible to provide a counterpoint to the strong negative reaction

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