395/400 Item Level Emissaries: Yes please

I think another reason why the ilevel increases to world quests in Legion felt right was that it was still lucrative to do other end game activities.

in BFA the ilevel increases exceed or are on par with end game activities and throws a wrench into everything. Warfronts don’t help either because gaining titanforges from warfronts feels like you are wasting your time doing anything else.

PVP queue times are only going to increase because of this. This is because historically PVP queue times hinge on a portion of players doing PVP for conquest points and other portion that does PVP for fun. By removing that incentive you are left with only people that PVP for fun that do queue. This will lead to increased queue times for PVP.

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Titan Ridisium is closer to emblems. It’s steady progression. Emblem gear was also very limited.


Emblems were farmable, TR was not.

Emblems of Frost weren’t farmable. They had an effective cap.


Emblems were also capped at a weekly max. Darn those pesky facts again…

Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. You were slinging mud and now are complaining that others drove you away. Which I don’t believe for a second you’re actually unsubbing.


They did, but gave an incentive to do Heroics.

Someone made a comment about raiding still offering better itemized stats and azerite armor traits.

Maybe that is true but then again why is Blizzard leaning on ilevel so much? Why not make lucrative traits more accessible to all players while preserving higher ilevel pieces for raiding as an example.

Accessibility and exclusivity is a fine line and in a game where gear stratification does occur it is a sensitive balance.

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Jalen, you are contributing to the problem.

Again, three days left. I don’t want the clock ticking down, but it is.

Uh huh. Wah.


The irony for me is that for most of my characters, this mage included, the raid gear is NOT better itemized. Only the IL of mythic or a TF makes them better. The core issue is that Blizz wanted to get away from secondary stats being better than main stat to solve the “problem” of people keeping lesser IL gear over new, higher IL pieces. Unfortunately, they either failed to see or failed to execute a solution that, especially for casters, makes primary > secondary for stats. My mage and warlock all have int < any other stat and my spriest ranks int second from the bottom over only vers. Until class design is “fixed” this will continue to be so.

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What problem is that? The problem of people disagreeing with you, citing actual evidence for their points , you not agreeing with them, choosing to be a victim and attack them, getting it thrown back at you and being unable to reap what you sow?


Great. Another reason to quit.

Why? If it was like this at the release of BoD it would have discredited a lot of the content of the season 2 patch.

Azerite available at Heroic raid level, Emissary rewards higher than Normal raid rewards, almost equivalent to M+10 rewards (and equivalent or higher than +9 and below)

I won’t even go into details about PvP where the new rewards make anything below 2100 rating irrelevant.

I’m curious to know how this would have been better released months ago when season 2 began.


Look man. Maybe just take a break from the forums and don’t let forum interactions dictate if you are going to play the game or not.

If you don’t like the game, then don’t play it.

But quitting because people on the forums that you will never meet in game? There are ways to get around that.

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It’s actually the case for AGI and STR based classes as well, it’s a fallacy that raid gear is any better than world or dungeon gear outside of base ilvl. It all depends on itemisation which varies per class, and with limited options but an aim for coverage quite often only 1-2 pieces will be optimal for you. M+ offers more variance which in general means more “better” options.

The issue is with how quick ilvl increases from fresh 120 having ~280 ilvl to current content ~390-405 ilvl (for a normal player not heroic/M+ player).
Stats interact and scale in a multiplicative manner, they devalue (outside of exceptions) themselves whilst increasing the value of others, generally speaking.
So whilst the intent was great that having a larger stat allocation to primary increases the value of the piece, you get to the stage where the primary is so high that having an additional 40 isn’t going to matter as much as having say an additional 1% crit which multiplies the value of the entire stat.

It’s why gem sockets scale in value relative to average item level. The more stats you have to improve with your secondaries the more valuable those secondaries become.


The Warrior Discord (only using as an example since you are posting on a Warrior) has 18,000 people online right now. At almost midnight. On a weekday. The resources are out there. You just have to look a little bit.

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Which is why I wish they’d go back to sockets on gear like MOP rather than “Hey I raid every week and do several m+'s and have one socket but my buddy plays far less and has 7.”


I’m not saying that the opinion of this being “bad” is wrong; I’ve said that already - therefore I’m not ignoring people that believe that.

I’m just calling out a perspective that feeds into that feeling, and another perspective that completely negates that negative feeling.

Play for fun and to kill big monsters - and you’ll be happy that there are lots of players geared enough to recruit and kill said monsters with.

Play for numbers - and be forever disappointed because someone else is always going to get gear before you doing lesser content, that does horrible dps and always dies to mechanics, and then it all means nothing when the next tier/expac rolls around.

Certainly, that’s law #1 of MMO’s. But my point is you don’t have to then give those people even more gear for basically nothing. Catch-up gear = fine, catch-up gear that makes current LFR and normal BFD’A utterly irrelevant =/= fine.

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