Wanted to quit, but came back. An apology thread

At around two-three days left on a once-cancelled sub, Elitism drove me to the brink of madness. I wanted to quit WoW altogether.

The list of offenses from both my side and theirs is long.

But I don’t want to make it any longer. Today, I decided to try something new.

Apologizing to them for no reason, at least.

The world is already burning with division rampant, so I wanted to mend bridges rather than burn them.


I am super confused. Are you offering a non-pology?

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An apology for the sake of one. Out of good will.

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I think an apology bereft of context is… not an apology. If I walked up to Steve Buschemi and said “I’m sorry” he’d be more confused than grateful.

Of course, 90% of that confusion would be due to the fact that he’s Steve Buschemi, but that’s besides the point.


Sure, I’ll fill you in.

Basically, whatever was deemed abhorrent behavior on my end. I.E namecalling.


Now, I see why you were keeping your gold and stuff.



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Yes. I knew I was coming back.

You can still make a donation if you want. It might make you feel good.

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Sadly I don’t know your realm.

Thanks anyway friend, glad you are back!

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Called it.

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However, I’m trying to turn over a new leaf now.

To be quite honest I don’t even know what the front side of said leaf entailed. But as long as it’s making you feel better and sharing positive vibes with everyone then I’m all for it!


Will you apologise to thousands of demons you demon hunters have killed OP ? xD

I guess that’s a means of self redemption, so yes.

Please just go.

10/10 this actually made me laugh out loud

What a silly head. Temper management and not typing whatever the heck pops into your head! (I have to practice what I preach.)

Also, never burn bridges. My buddy from vanilla/TBC was a high-end guild healer, shadow-priest farmer, High Warlord. He quit hard over a girl - baleeted his account, etc. Came back a few years later, played hard again, got top BG title and then asked me why he doesn’t have the High Warlord title listed. Because you deleted that account!! Another all-or-nothing silly head.

That’s my no-regrets story.

Not sure if that fits here since the OP was waffling, made a lot of vague fragmented statements and left people here just confused.

It’s all good. We can use as many players sticking around as possible. The more that leave means less feedback to make this game better and better. It’s by no means perfect, but they are listening, some of the time. Comparing your previous posts to the changes proposed and already implemented, I see that Blizzard is heading in a direction with WoW that you might more so favor. Good on you for sticking to your guns and being the recipient of some good fortune.