I’m just going to link relevant post to show that people have every right to remove people from the group for any to no reason, and it is not considered “griefing”
The Vote to Kick system was designed to give players who used Looking for Dungeon/Raid some agency over who they are grouped with. If they have someone in that group that isn’t meshing, for whatever reason or no reason at all, they may choose to remove them.
That’s unfortunate, but the kick system is on a voting basis.
Blizzard won’t make a party keep a member they don’t want to play with.
You don’t seem to be understanding that since someone can be kicked for ANYTHING, it’s a majority vote system, there literally is no way to ‘abuse’ the feature.
Certainly can be upsetting - but they are using the feature as intended.
We are NOT going to make folks group with those they don’t wish to group with.
Sorry Orlyia and Vrakthris. You guys need to be paid more.