3 months in....has the community failed?

I never failed to fail, it was the easiest thing to do.

Wow has been “dying” the same since like 2010. Only a few more years to go i guess :roll_eyes:.

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I thought we were already ded since Y2K waiting on that one for a minute.

The community will never improve. Blizz let the chaos go on too long.


what sort of things has he ever said which has had a positive impact on the community?

are we supposed to take his word as gospel

If we believed in anyway that df was going to be different it’s our own fault. They same guy in charge that brought you sl and bfa is still in charge. Einsteins theory states : you can’t use the same brain that created the problem to undo it.

Until we get a complete house cleaning :broom: just expect more of the same with different shades of lipstick

What was the community supposed to even come together for?

I have no idea what any of this means, but I do know that Asmongold is the embodiment of everything wrong with the wow community, so probably stop watching him as a start

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See, this here is the problem with streamers. Their army of fans is conditioned to let the streamer think for them so much they can’t even form a coherent thought.


What exactly has assmangold gone and done now? I like him. Always have. Cept his long hair makes him look like the greasey fast food teenager off Simpson’s

Different to what? and how?

what for?

The solution to what exactly?

Figure what soon?


Nvm, I lost interest. Good luck!

The people who make up the “community” act in response to the restrictions (or lack thereof) and requirements that are part of the game. No one in the playerbase is able to change the behavior of anyone else.

I thought they’re just there to keep going on emotional cycles to get their fans to go “yea!! you’re right!!! slay king!!!” and then switch lanes once it’s convenient for them?

for every gullibility gap there is a gullibility fill. seems to be the quick money scheme right now for social media.

And so it begins!

:popcorn: :tada: :sparkler:

You don’t even take off gear that you don’t need out of your backpack. :cry: :sob:

bro what

I must have missed the episode of Mr. Rogers where he told kids to spit on people if they do things they don’t like.


I’ve never once thought that, idk ab this “we”. For every change I enjoy, there’s a boat load of people that are going to complain about it.

How dare you. Uttering his name is enough to spawn 40 demons into this world, descending small countries into a chaos at the pure hopelessness of reality.

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I haven’t enjoyed WoW, as much as I am now, in a VERY long time.