1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

Then why do we not get everything right off the bat?
Why are we going to have 1.12 talents when AQ gate opens right off the bat?
Why are we going to have 1.12 talents before BGs are even around?
Why are we going to have 1.12 talents when the original raids are just opening?

I’ve already stated, they are using 1.12 as a base. Classic is not “1.12 Classic” that is misinterpretation.

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Can you show me where besides changing loot tables where they have changed 1.12 data?

I’m trying to establish a history of Blizzard changing data in Classic WoW so far in their updates to show that they’d consider changing AV.

Right now I haven’t seen any actual changes to the game data besides some 1.10 loot being held off until the appropriate phase.

Gating content for raids and other items isn’t changing data.

It’s like the candy store down the street being closed for the weekend. Just because it’s closed doesn’t mean the candy inside suddenly doesn’t exist. It’s still there…

Except they’ve been real clear that when things are released they’ll be the 1.12 versions of everything. AV is no exception to that.

I’ll think on this and look into it a bit better and will get back with you on it later. I am ill-equipped with the proper knowledge to answer this question.

Actually no. They’ve stated at Blizzcon that they could go back to change things.

I mean the first raids are going to be pointless with 1.12 PvP blues anyway. So who even cares about them? Just grind PvP gear and wait on AQ to launch.

You’re brushing aside the argument.

How is that even remotely a “logical flaw”? Last I noticed, the early versions of AB and WSG lasted through multiple patches, why would it be a logical flaw to expect the same with AV?

I am not seeing the relation between AV version and talents version.

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I’m almost positive that Ion was talking about Modern UI elements with this statement.

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I possibly could be wrong. But if I am that sounds very questionable. I mean that question being asked about post-Vanilla stuff makes it sound like Classic may be no where near as Vanilla-like as we think/hope it is. At least that’s my translation.

Misread. UI elements, interesting, give me a minute.

Before it he’s going on Game Design but he does go on about UI, interfacing, Code, Systems, etc. He mainly remarked about the little demo etc. But then led right into the concept of re-adding bugs.

You could be right. I might’ve overlooked his wording around that and taken it out of context, but it is still a little confusing overall. I’ll have to go over it a bit more. Thanks for pointing it out.

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They’ve been extremely clear that they’re using 1.12 for everything game play related, if they’re changing things like adding loot trading that’s one thing. Just like they’re not going in and adjusting class balance they’re not going in and messing with AV.



There has been no indication of them going in and tinkering with any of the actual data to try and balance things.

Them removing relics from the loot tables is the only thing they’re doing and that is no where near as drastic as them coming in an going back several patches to try and recreate an older version of the game.

If they were serious, absolutely dead serious about going for an older version of the game, we’d see that with item stats. We’d see cycle item stats from 1.1-1.12. But they’re using 1.12 items (from the PVP update).

I think that’s a pretty big indicator that it’s going to be 1.12 across the board 99% of the things in Classic.

They’re using 1.12 code as a base yes, and they are trying to keep from altering it yes. Their main clarification about not altering it though falls under the topic of adding anything that was not from Vanilla time period. At least that was my interpretation of it.

I am going to look more into everything that they are doing to collect better information for clearing up this point however as stated with Luuni. I am ill-equipped with the full knowledge to deal with this point but am not submitting to it due to ignorance. I’ll get back to both of you likely tomorrow on it.

(Note: I meant not submitting due to my own ignorance.)

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Umm what now? Could you inform me by what you mean with this?

That’s simply avoiding tedious work that likely might be related to the data loss or just not wanting to make it a full blown 1.1 through 1.12 patch series. At least that’s how I took it.

There is no argument to be had. They said they are going with 1.12 and it’s already in development.

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Except for AV. Pls gib AV I want, or Classic is ruined! - this thread.


At this point you’re trolling as this has already been addressed.

Unless you meant 1.12AV which I’ve already addressed that that argument goes against everything that got us where we are with Classic. And if so then no, there is no statement on whether they’ve begun development of AV yet.

While I am very pro-1.5AV and will argue for it, yeah the arguments that “omgersh Classic is ruined without it” just feel disingenuous or overly exaggerated.

Well seeing how blizzard is changing soo much out of 1.12 like removed loot and removed content, its possible for them to listen and unerf those npcs.

They’re time gating the release of content not changing it, you know the exact same thing they’re doing with AV.