1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

It should be Version 1.0 Alterac Valley.


That’s not what I meant and you know it, play fair or will not converse. (you conveniently also leave out the fact that it was the last patch for the base game, meaning it went longer then other patches because it was the last before an x-pac)

Right, my point was the longest AV was the Classic one, nothing more nothing less.

From the looks of it 1.10 to 1.12 it was 252 days, from 1.5 to 1.9 it was 294.

What? Ignorant whining?

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Just to note their reply was fair.
Responded to a “you remind me of” with a “you remind me of”.
And to be honest with Luuni here, in the blue thread on this I’ve debated if that poster was trolling or not due to their use of Kettle Logic. Good example goes right with their point that was mentioned in what you’re replying to. “Not saying it is better” when that very argument was used in the blue post thread by them.

Now I am not gonna call Luuni a troll, I won’t go so far, but to come to a conclusion as such is no surprise especially with the stalemate arguments in these threads. Don’t get me wrong, just stating basics, not selectively targeting you or Luuni or anything just clarifying.

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Not sure why I am in this thread now, gone out of my way to avoid it for over 250 replies. So this seems to be where I get lumped in with other arguments I don’t agree with because I agree with the same conclusion. . . Interesting.

But as I’ve stated in the other thread, Classic was stated to be a museum piece in which we get the general “Vanilla Experience” in. That to choose 1.5 AV over 1.12 AV would be to align it better with the overall Classic idea as when compared the two often resemble the varying differences between Classic and Current with 1.5 being like Classic and 1.12 being like Current.

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To an extent. However, “you must be a troll” is Pruffinor’s go-to excuse for being unable to respond to legitimate replies. Its not just a single quote, they’re doing it on any thread that results in them being unable to hold up their idea without disagreement. The other go-to is “Make your own thread”.

If you need more convincing why the ORIGINAL Alterac Valley is needed, watch this Wowcrendor video “Back in my day”

When the game was better


Wait, Darkmoon Faire is a portal?? When did that happen.

You could be right, I cannot argue with what I have no knowledge of. I’m not going back over the past 250 posts since I’ve responded to this thread to see that, especially how I’ve been lumped with some negative arguments because of this thread.

I won’t argue either way, but I will say that I judge the situation based on the context of the direct replies there. My experience in this thread and others lately has been too lacking to make a judgment, my main knowledge is that they agree with me in general in the blue thread while Luuni has constantly dropped points and picked new ones up to the point of even contradicting their self to keep the argument going.

Only for when I finally called it out after like 10 or so replies I got another poster spewing ad hominem and baseless assumptions in reaction to me calling that out.

It’s been like that since I think either Cata or MoP.

It’s a huge instanced island now.

I just don’t know why other than the people that want to grind rep super quick and not care about it again want 1.12. There’s parts of the map missing npcs are gone what’s left is nerfed almost to irrelevance. I want to experience the av from the old war stories. At the very least blizz should come out and say if they have the data or not. If they don’t have it came out and say ok were going to see how popular classic is and if it warrants spending money we will make an older version of av for weekly events or something that’s at least something.


Same here my friend. . . same here.


Except the reasons they’ve said they’re using 1.12 AV trump whether or not they have an old version.

The problem is they’ve not clarified on that. If they did/do these arguments would be drastically different.

TBQH they’ve expired their credibility somewhat and I would have a hard time believing any type of dog-ate-my-data statement at this point in time. I could see them making such a statement just in the hope of quieting the dissidents.

They could absolutely blow my mind however, if they came out and said “you know what? We could not track down the data, but we are going to do our best to replicate the early AV as it more thoroughly showcases the spirit of vanilla”. They would completely floor me and yank my confidence and hype right back to full power.


I can definitely agree to that statement.

I wouldn’t be surprised either way depending on how far this situation gets dragged out.

P.S. Ahh an Emerald Dreamer, sup! Colmannid of Clan Battlehammer here!

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Yeah but here is the thing. It doesn’t matter if it was better or not. It doesn’t matter if I or you or hundreds of people think it’s better.

Currently, lots of people thinking flying is better to have at the start of BFA. Blizzard disagrees.

Blizzard’s stance is the most important one on this topic. They make the game. Currently, they have stated now in multiple blue posts that they believe 1.12 is completed version.

It doesn’t matter if people feel it’s not. They feel it is. They’re making the game.

Everyone keeps talking about what’s better and whats a truer version of Alterac Valley. Well, what does Blizzard think? What does the design team think? Unless you, I or anyone else in this thread is actively working on the game, yeah we can offer our opinions, but they do not need to take them.

Blizzard has a vision for Classic WoW. They’re listening to the forums for feedback, but ultimately they’re not going to listen to every single request by the community. If they did that we’d have no game because no one would agree on anything.

I’ve tried to use different arguments on various threads on this topic. It doesn’t matter. What matters is Blizzard’s vision of Classic WoW. Currently, that vision includes 1.12 AV. They can justify it however they want and we really just need to accept it.

Where exactly have they changed their minds on this so far? Total phases. Loot trading. 1.10 items.

All of those categories are changes Blizzard can live with because they’re not really changing the 1.12 data.

They’re using 1.12 stats for the PVP gear too.

Every single update has been about 1.12 and they have never strayed away from that.

This is not me being mean or being a troll. No. I am just pointing out the writing on the wall. Blizzard has time and time again shown they’re going to use patch 1.12 because that was what they decided on. They’re catering to us with specific things that don’t alter the 1.12 data that much, but every single update they have come out with so far… doesn’t mess with the 1.12 data as drastic as some of the suggestions in both this and the other thread.

Again… I’m not being a troll. I’m trying to point out some very obvious observations so that people do not get too disappointed if Classic WoW releases and phase 3 releases with 1.12 AV.

Why would you have 1.12 talents with 1.5 AV?

Biggest logical flaw of the whole 1.5 argument.

We are going to be playing 1.12 classic.

Why not? The talent balancing improved with time.

Also, 1.12 had BWL, AQ, NAX, AB, WSG, AV, world dragons, a few dungeons, the honor system, ect. But we aren’t getting that content for awhile.

I understand that 1.12 AV makes sense if they don’t have the code/resources to roll out and earlier version (or they think 1.12 is the better version), but the talents have noting to do with the content itself.


I agree.

Yes. . .

“Multiple” Well yes and no. They stated one targeting that and then another used the 1.12 as clarification.

You’ve debated with me enough to know that this will not work.

This argument as stated suggests that we should not have and would never have gotten Classic at all. They made up their minds for years until players showed them that error. They listened and have been listening. Just like with Loot Trading where they altered it to give some ground because they listened. A company that does not listen to its customers is a company with a short life span.

But that’s why we are here, and why they want us here. To know what we want. Our debates right now might quite literally be altering the future of Classic as we type them as they read them.

WoD Flight debacle says hi.
Blizzard decided to not return flight at all whatsoever in Draenor. They held staunchly. The Legion itself crashed into and took over the forums in form of angry pro-flight players. Blizzard listened and changed the way they did things.

In this scenario we don’t need a full Legion of angry customers, we just need to properly show how and why these things should be the way we believe they should be.

And that’s why I never called you a troll. I’ll listen to what others have to say, I’ll formulate my own opinions based on what I read. And besides, one can troll and not be a troll permanently.

I disagree with your interpretation of things. I am not going to argue on this part however as arguing what they’ve said is just going to lead to semantics.

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