110-120 heirlooms need a huge boost

Honestly, I think the heirlooms should be given like Azerite Traits. Just, no class-specific ones. Just because the ilvl difference is MASSIVE, and the secondary stats do not make up for it at all. The traits alone make the azerite traits superior in every way, and you FEEL weak. And it’s not worth losing 30% exp for them.

Outer Ring could be like: Champion of Azeroth, Earthlink, and like… Fight or Flight.
Inner Ring could be like: Resounding Protection or Vampiric Speed.
Last Ring is +5 Levels.


Maizou it’s you! :slight_smile: I’m under the impression that Blizz is doing “something” for 8.2 and azerite traits so I highly doubt we’d see any changes in that area.

If it’s not worth losing the ilv to equip the Heirlooms, don’t equip the heirlooms.

Theres no good reason to make leveling harder on yourself.

They really should just have azerite traits on heirloom armour the moment you hit 110. Specific, levelling related traits so they’re good mostly for that- like speed boosts (the vampiric one or the +speed), or ones that activate on killing mobs.

Just hit 118 with this guy with “full” heirlooms. I don’t know if rogues just have it easy or whatever, but I can say that the only thing I’ve noticed is that I’m fairly squishy. I’m cycling my rogue healing potion ability quite frequently. It almost feels Vanilla-y in that 3+ targets and things get dicey.

It’s not unplayable, but they’re definitely underwhelming to other gear.

Since inception Heirlooms have been designed to be a bit stronger than questing greens for whatever level you are in addition to the EXP boost to speed up leveling. If they’re truly making life harder for people (albeit not IME so far) then it goes against the inherent design of the system.


I’m sure if people knew before spending the gold on heirlooms that they would be inferior to azerite then they wouldn’t have bought the upgrade in the first place.

You can’t advertise “heirlooms scaling to 120 in 8.1.5 boys!” and then have them be worse than the current gear lol what world is that acceptable.


It’s probably for post-BFA.

I highly doubt we will keep the Heart of Azeroth system in the next expansion, meaning that the AZ gear will just be big stat-sticks (dead sockets like Legion weapons).

I’m not investing gold into the upgrades until they seem worth it, I’m not sure why the people that did assumed that it was a good idea to upgrade the head, chest, and shoulder slots.

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Be right back

I’m thinking someone didn’t let Ythisens know how it felt lol.

Heirlooms are not “a little under the value an azerite piece would give” and “your time to kill mobs won’t be too affected” is also not true. However that response would lead me to believe that it’s ok to upgrade all my heirlooms :man_shrugging:

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You mean, that they come out with heirloom upgrades that people run out to buy tokens with real money to get, then follow with an effective nerf that makes it feel like a bait-and-switch?

Unfortunately, yes.

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I haven’t actually played with upgraded heirlooms for 110-120 but I imagine the simple difference between an ilv 280 piece and a what 190-220 piece at level 110 is pretty big.

How was this not a predicted thing?

Sure at level 120 when the Heirloom has capped it’s ilv progression the difference may be a bit lower than a basic AZ piece, but while leveling when ilv is scaling to your character, it’s just dumb to expect Heirlooms to be equivalant.


I think it’s working as intended. It does though make me think that their intentions are evil.


I have just the XP hierlooms on my DH for leveling and she definitely feels a bit weak. Not un-playable weak, but definitely annoyingly weak.

They could definitely stand a bit of an I-level boost.

Oh and IMO it’s probably not worth upgrading anything but the XP bonus 'looms this time.


imo The simplist solution would be to scale Heirlooms in AZ slots to ilv 280 until the chracter hits 120.

The item level can’t be upgraded etc but it would make the damage/survivability generally equal.


They could fix this easily by just moving the exp bonus from the chest, shoulders, and helm on to the trinkets and weapon (neck would conflict with the heart of azeroth). A 2h weapon would get the full 10% while 1h weapons/offhands/shields would be 5% each.

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As a man with over 30 toons that are lvl 110 + as you might expect, I have A LOT of experience leveling in WoW over more than a decade. Since heirlooms frst appeared, the idea was that those of us that had already done it all and seen it all would have a quicker time getting to max level while those that were new to the game would have to pay their dues like we had before them.

All I can say is that having upgraded all my heirlooms for every class in the game and putting them on my toons, they lost thousands of hit points, their damage was brought down significantly and, I know some of you nay-sayers on here feel your opinion is correct, however, again, I am very learned on the subject of heirlooms and in all these years I have never witnessed anything like this. This is clearly bugged, broken, or borked- and don’t bother arguing with me, it’s quite clear that it is to anyone with prior experience. There is no way that this was designed like this. Maybe they did not get enough feedback on them on the PTR, but I will def give the feedback now. Blizzard, please look into this and fix the heirlooms.


You being slow at leveling is a you problem.

This response makes no sense

This is the issue, everyone knows what to expect from Heirlooms, it being different is misleading.

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Heirlooms were better then artifacts in legion outside of the “extra spell”. You didnt get enough AP for them to really matter before 110.

I would agree to a healthy stamina adjustment and a smaller power boost. Again, at least on my rogue, I’m 118 and not really feeling like it’s painful to play. I don’t have a good frame of reference to compare to a non-heirloom player.

I am noticing that heirlooms are scaling less and less each level though. I think it was 9 levels at first, and it was six levels from 117 to 118.