110-120 heirlooms need a huge boost

Was mentioned numerous times last year in some of the 7.3.5 ptr forum threads. When they gutted heirloom stats folks asked for them to buff the xp you get to compensate for the stat nerfs. Would of been a fair trade off for gimping their power. The looms using currently are the weapons, back, legs, and ring. Just sticking with the azurite chest, helms, and shoulders. And of course hoa.

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Glad to hear, I have been leveling using island since I exalted on all the bfa factions.

The nerf to heirlooms is still really annoying because I’m constantly getting regular quest gear that’s more powerful than the heirlooms while leveling.

I’d really like to know why blizzard is so scared to make heirlooms stronger than questing gear… Isn’t the point of them to be able to level faster?


Nyet…very bad idea.

Give them a bump in stats/ilvl? I could see that.

ilevel scaling makes the relatively low ilevel ok doesn’t it?

The only problem as mentioned is the weak traits, slightly accounted for by secondaries

I see no reason to increase their stats much. I just leveled 100-120 and it took about 20 hours (I’m a slow player). At no point in the leveling did I feel underpowered, except in timewalking dungeons I was low on the dps list but not by much. Azerite armor pre-120 is useless anyway. You will upgrade them before you will even get enough Azerite to get the three rings for the pre-120 stuff.

They are meant to not only help leveling alts, but they are a gold sink. A good one at that.

They could use some minor tweaks but I wouldn’t say a “huge” boost. Out of my group of friends, not one has complained about feeling week with upgraded looms and the leveling speed has been rather noticeable.

It should be a choice of Convenience vs Raw Power.

With that said, for the price you pay, they could use a small boost in power for sure. Their ilvl being lower than Azerite pieces is being blown WAY out of proportion though in terms of character strength.

Well, here is one person that is complaining about being weak using a full set of Heirloom experience gear. The difference, at least in the lower levels, is huge.

All I’m asking for myself is that we get stats equal to the Azerite gear. They won’t have the traits so will still be weaker.


Why would it be a big deal to Blizzard whether or not we use Azerite gear while leveling? Really, none of it is going to be worth anything after the hours it takes to reach cap; Azerite gear is an end-game pursuit.

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Heirlooms was one of the veteran rewards of this game. It feels wrong to see it nerfed to the ground and in its current state.

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Have you actually used them to level? I can’t see how you can honestly say this.

Nah buddy

You’re about the same ilvl assuming you’ve been questing and getting gear so they mobs are still hitting you like you have all that extra stam.

That’s gross. It’s formatted better if you go back to the original post.


Way back when this was still on PTR there was a thread made (I’ve linked to it in this thread so it should be in the OPs link list) and I kind of ignored the issue as well because I hadn’t experienced it so I didn’t know. Then once 8.1.5 hit I threw on a full set on heirlooms and got hit :rofl: so now I’m thinking of making a /equipset [azerite heirloom slots] for when I turn in quests, which in my opinion probably isn’t the way they were intended to be used.


yeah i mean i quest as plate in full 120 leather, the low ilevel lets you get a lot of benefit from weapons/ legion legendaries e.t.c. which is pretty solid

If Azerite armor has to be the ‘big thing’, then why not just make it so heirloom gear gets a set of generic Azerite traits when you hit 110?

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The problem is every player that gets a quest reward from a quest, an emissary, a dungeon boss drop…and looks at it and sees it is NOT as good as an heirloom…
…and complains here in the forum, that heirlooms should not be stronger.

Heirlooms are something rich players buy for their alts. Is it fair that a rich player can have better gear than a hard-working player who does challenging dungeons or questlines or rare boss mobs to get a CHANCE at a decent gear drop, and then gets lucky and actually gets one?

Not in an MMO that is not focused on gold-making.

none of what you say is true for all players…

This is very disappointing. I’m not saying heirlooms should be so OP that you one shot everything, but they should not be so weak that they negate the advantage of the XP gain. Heirlooms are delayed after an expansion releases. They are meant for your alts to use to level up at a faster rate that your main did at expansion release.

Azerite gear sharing the same slots as three heirlooms makes already weak heirlooms noticeably weaker. I really hope there is something wrong on their end, and not another BFA feature that is meant to make content take longer. Why add them at all if they aren’t useful for their intended purpose?

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Oh geez lol

It’s been a while but didn’t heirlooms originally cost Justice Badges? So it had 0 to do with me having gold and more to do with me having doing badge rewarding content. I think the pvp ones cost Stone Keeper Shards. The legs have always been gold though, and whatever else is on the guild vendor, pretty sure they got added in Cata.

My current advice is what I posted back on Feb 7th in my Heirloom Guide thread. As you know from this thread, ideally, they need to increase the heirloom stats or give them azerite traits. However, in the interim, what I personally recommend everyone do- wear your azerite armor while questing, and then, when you go to turn in the quest, put on all your heirlooms and THEN turn the quests in. This way you get the bonus still at least for quests and should have a quicker time killing mobs. I know I warned everyone to do this back in February, but figured I would mention it again, until Blizz fixes the heirlooms which are currently borked.