110-120 heirlooms need a huge boost

For someone just chain running Island expiditions, any ilvl upgrade is awesome. The XP boost is working as intended.

My guess is they will with the next expansion or at the end of this one - when they want people to level faster thru BfA content and into whatever the next expansions wacky new power progression system is. Azerite is still a main feature of the expansion in Blizz’s eyes, hard to see them nerfing them below looms.

yeah, but azerite armor doesn’t have exp boost.

Then Azerite should be more powerful at max level. It really doesn’t make sense for the non heirloom gear to be more powerful than the regular questing gear. I don’t think the exp bonus really offsets it enough to make it worthwile.


The XP bonus isn’t enough but that is my opinion.


It would be better than the heirlooms even with the matching item level. The heirlooms wouldn’t have traits. Azerite armor would still be the “big thing,” especially at level cap. If legs and cloak is enough of a boost for you, then keep wearing your azerite armor. Nothing people are asking for would stop you. I paid a lot of gold to build up my heirlooms, and the standard has been that they’re similar to better than questing gear.


“Don’t bother with that part of the game because it’s not worth it” is not a compelling argument against “that part of the game needs improved.”


Good thing that wasn’t my argument, chief. In different expansions, we have different items that are our legendaries or artifacts or such.

Sometimes that will conflict with heirlooms, such as this years’ Love is in the Air drop, which has for years bee a necklace. This was rendered moot by BfA’s neckpiece.

Last year, there was no real reason to upgrade you heirloom weapon to 110, since we had the Legion ones.

There’s nothing wrong with the heirloom system; no one says you must use every piece; use your brain when competing pieces arise in an expansion, and figure out what doesn’t need to be upgraded right away.

It’s a trade off, you get either the increased leveling speed or you get Azerite armor for power. (Not that leveling 110-120 takes that long to begin with)

Is this a serious post? Heirlooms shouldn’t work at all in current content.

Except that they’ve been doing this for a while now. This isn’t something new. What people are complaining about is something they could simply fix by increasing the item level on the helm, shoulder and chest to 280/285.

Putting aside the bad idea that they are, if they suck, wear different gear. You have to try nowadays to not trip over all the gear the game throws at you.

All things considered your mainly only after the exp bonus. I dont see a need to buff the gear. Once you hit cap slsp on azerite gear and other replacements.

A 60% bonus with wm as horde and even higher as ally. Shouldn’t take too long to level.

Last toon i leveled from 110 to 120 with the 30% wm bonus took rufgly 20 hrs. Slap the 50% from looms should cut it in half.

Cloak and pants give you 15%. I didn’t bother upgrading the Azerite slots. Maybe in 9.something…

One of the hallmarks of good game design is not rendering things moot. Especially things that are designed to carry on and increase in their value from one expansion to the next (like heirlooms).

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There is no increased leveling speed :rofl: I spend all my time rotating cooldowns then healing myself after fighting a couple mobs lol.

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I think the issue at hand is that from Wrath till Legion Looms have been on par with or superior to leveling gear, at least I don’t recall seeing any threads like this before but I could be wrong. So the expectation that they would be was there but that’s clearly not the case. Now you have people who spent their gold on something that isn’t worth it.

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It’s only moot for 1 expansion, chief. You’ll be fine.

So don’t use the heirlooms.

You can choose to get +30% xp from the heirloom slots or you can use AZ armor while leveling.

I’m not sure what the problem is.

I don’t like not having numbers so I hopped on my 116 Pally.

At 259 ilvl (heirlooms) he has 44,960hp and 1997 strength
At 263 ilvl (azerite) he has 57,700 hp + 4861 absorb trait and 2,398 strength.

That’s a 1.5% difference in character ilvl but a 28% loss in effective health (57,700+4861=62561) and a 16.7% decrease in strength

I currently have 41 120s & 3 @ 110+ & a newly minted Zandalari @ 23 so I have a good idea of how long it should take to level. I’ll have to keep a close eye on my xp/hr the rest of this week since I just now finished Timewalking on all my alts this is the first chance I’ve gotten to level and once I started getting smashed I came to see if anyone else was experiencing the same thing.