😡 You Guys Just Cant Help Yourselves, Can You?

The timer there is strange where initially at low cloak and research the timer is not forgiving at all and is the primary reason why you can’t full clear or do masks without further research.

Then with full research and cloak level 15 the sanity bar changes to mostly a measurement of screwing up mechanics because the passive sanity drain is fairly low.

So it starts as a hard timer limit and ends as a mechanics check.

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It was flagged because this thread is just pure unadulterated spam


So you’re saying there are classes that can’t even complete a full run with an upgraded cloak? I’m not going to believe that.

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Because you’re playing an MMORPG and those kinds of things are staples of the genre? If you don’t like that, then go play an FPS loot shooter like Destiny or something.

Specs are generally designed around a “wave” for their dps per second of an encounter.


A lot of specs have a classic sine wave to them, some have very bursty peaks, some are relatively flat. It’s part of what adds unique aspects to each spec, rather than one big flat bar for everyone. To accomplish this, they add things like cooldowns.

Except the game originated without that mindset? There were very few dps cooldowns originally and most had negative side effects to using them.

And power creep every expansion pushes more and more damage into cooldowns and away from sustained.

And it makes classes feel very week for the 2 minutes between burst CDs and a god for 10 seconds. It makes PvP very scripted around burst CDs because sustained is pathetic.

It’s both number of cooldowns and ratio of cooldowns damage to sustained. Fire mage is a perfect example where you get to be a basically Ragnaros with combustion, so much so mythic+ pulls can be built around a fire mage, and a BIC pocket lighter when it’s down.

Your screenshot is a perfect example. Fire mages spike to over double their sustained damage for a short period. That is a crazy increase.

Yeah… It sure did didn’t it… Nobody remember the 3 min PoM+Pyro+trinket mages at all… Almost every single class had some dps cooldowns or another.

And yet, they can average out around everyone else when tuned correctly, while still having that same curve. Isn’t that amazing? It’s almost as if you have to have some brain cells thinking about timing of cooldowns, in order to maximize dps and if you don’t press things at the right times, your dps can suffer… It’s almost as if they added this thing called skillcap, rather than just pushing buttons in a fixed order. It fits the volatile fire theme perfectly.

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And what happens after the first bit of decent gear? Right now everyone is in questing gear.

I don’t want a game mode that becomes snoozefest after you are in m0 gear like islands became.

Further: this soft timer resets on every floor. Realistically you have about 10 minutes before you would even notice it. Probably 20 before it had a real impact. At present each floor lasts less than 5 minutes.

This is a non-issue.

Works pretty well IMO.

So OP did you actually read what is stated? Or did you see what Bellular posted on Twitter this morning about the timer?

When I saw the post, personally I was extremely annoyed. Then I remembered the youtube video that Preach posted yesterday, and have a glimmer of hope still.

HOWEVER, feedback is always good from all sides. That being said, you might want to look in to threads that have already posted on this, rather than make yet another one, which could be considered spam, and well, you’ve already gotten some backlash from posting this, but I’m sure you don’t care about that.

In case you haven’t seen Preach’s video on the matter, its an interview he did with Morgan Day - it’s a couple minutes over an hour long, but it might relieve a little of what seems like some stress you have going on there.

Literally made it what, two weeks? They do all of this “we hear you” stuff which was actually going the right direction, then they jumped back in bed with their ex “Mistress Weknobest”

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First, nobody uses POM/Pyro for PvE in classic so…

Classic has 3 classes significant dps cooldowns.

  1. Warrior, the largest offender and one of the reasons they are so stupid broken/. Recklessness and Deathwish, with both having negative trade offs in damage taken.

  2. Mages - arcane power which has the trade off of mana use (and in PvE mana can actually run out and matter) and is only used because you can’t be fire until AQ.

  3. Adrenaline rush - not a flat power increase, gives you 2-3 extra sinister strikes over its duration.

Paladins, shamans, hunters, druids, priests, and warlocks all do not have dps cooldowns like we know them.

Anyway, classic isn’t the focus here SL is.

Yes, over a long duration fight it doesn’t really matter because classes can be balanced around them. Thanks captain obvious. But, we are talking about the level of power spikes cooldowns cause in relation to something like Torghast where entire pulls are ended during the burst window which is entirely different than averaging out over a 7 minute raid boss. Being able to pulls 10+ mobs and melt them in 10 seconds with CDs then struggle with 3 mobs for 1 minute without cooldowns starts to get pretty excessive.

But noticing the difference in damage patterns between something like a raid boss and discreet packs would, like you said, require some brain cells, so I’m not surprised you missed it.

I guess some people enjoy 80% of their dps time only making up 20% of their actual damage because what you do in those burst windows is what matters.

Or in PvP where damage between “go” is a game of patty cake slapping each other because there is no threat of dying (until 8.3 I guess and random stupid corruption procs). It’s a much more scripted form of combat where your kill windows are extremely telegraphed because they come in short spurts. Sustained isn’t high enough to pressure or kill anything, you may as well sit on your thumb until the CDs are back up.

Cooldowns power IS why “waiting for cooldowns” is even a big deal. If it was a bit of extra damage, maybe 15% for 20 seconds or whatever it wouldn’t be the massive change it is. Instead we have classes doubling their dps or more during a CD which has a dramatic effect on what type of pull they can handle.

Yeah. People like that exist. It’s called anxiety. Sometimes they play video games for escapism. Where they expect a fantasy world would be a place they could do things at their own pace. Slow down, in the Pandas’ own words.


which is why blizzard can implement different modes of difficulty to cater to those kind of players

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Preach said a timer was necessary wanna try again

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Has alpha access right here and many a vid on youtube for it so there goes another argument of yours

As far as I hope this can clean things up.

I haven’t read, the wowhead post regarding the TotD having a timer. But, I would welcome that change. Infact, I would want blizz to make a hard cap timer as well. You know, just for lol’s sake.

I feel like there’s a difference between the Torghast timer and mythic plus.

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Nope, I’m saying there are some classes my grandmother could 5 mask with. Others are much more difficult. So why penalize them.

5 masks are supposed to be difficult, and no balance is perfect, but tank survivability compared to dps output is way unbalanced.