You just couldn't resist it, could you Blizzard? Torghast was too good to be true, so you had to add a timer

2020 Bliz = spreadsheet game design. They don’t do testing or balance since at least BfA (8.1 shaman class ‘fixes’ anyone?), they only tweak rows and columns on on the class sheet now.

Those Activision Investor earnings calls have to show a reduction in overhead and development costs, and Bliz took those cuts straight out of their balance dev time.

The lack of any intent to balance the covenant system from the start is proof of that.

Blizzard have already stated that they’re planning to make it so that there’s no clear ‘best performer’ for classes/specs when it comes to the covenant system because they don’t want folks to feel forced to pick Covenant X over Covenant Y because it has better performance.

But realistically, we know that’s going to happen anyway, because the wow community has ruined itself by focusing more on numbers and less on gameplay.

Maybe part of the problem is how many cooldowns we have, and how disproportionate cooldowns damage is to sustained damage?

The devs are actively asking for feedback during this alpha. That’s what is being given

Funny that my OP was flagged yet has 45 likes lol i wonder why

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I see this common trap with everytime when there is an expansion in testing or patch in testing and its often something can be taken out of context without being informed or reading the context, despite as someone (me) who doesn’t has access to alpha, I do keep myself informed than taking it out of context like the soft timer that people is outraging over. Please be informed instead of taking it out of context.

After all the reading, its not an actual timer where it literally kicks you out of the instance but its a timer that increases the difficulty of the run you are doing, the longer you are in it, the harder it will be sure having some anima powers will cancel some of the early spikes out but not for long. Torments as they called, will be swapped out or reset depending on the floor, some will be permanent for the entire run

There is a Rest Zone that will appear in every floor you enter, this will pause the timer that increases difficulty and within it, you can change your talents or take the time to break, not sure how long the rest zone will last but pretty sure it will have a set timer where it disappears in the current floor.

Hopefully this will help people understand.


wow really ?

was wondering why .

Why can’t Blizz come up with different content that isn’t just keys and timers recently? Can’t they tune their enemies right? Can’t they give their CDs exhaustion til the next floor? Can’t they do what every other Rogue-lite does and make something fun? Why does everything need to be Blizzified in the same way lately?

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I think blizzard wants to make it into another EA mythic key tournament out of it.
for SCIENCE or for money ?hmmmm

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Well, in all fairness…BFA.

The very same things I wrote during my unsub quiz just before 8.1 launch were written in feedback during BFA beta. In other words, all the feedback given by me and tons of others was completely ignored. alpha is just a glorified beta, so unless there’s a huge pressure for change, it will go live.

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People can’t downvote anymore so they use the report button as a disagree button instead.

Torghast is completely different, and as I’ve pointed out, again multiple times, these timers aren’t hard timers that kick you out like in Visions. Most players won’t even notice it. They’re just getting bitter and whingy because they heard the word ‘timer’.

Makes me wonder if they get salty when someone shows up with a stopwatch.

You’re absolutely right, there’s no psychological pressure to not explore and strategize, it doesnt get harder if you take your time, or if pressing real life matters make you stop your run temporarily. It’s just people complaining for the sake of complaining.

Yep, so well done on joining the ‘whinge’ crowd.

Feel free to take your ball and go play in another MMO, although fair warning, almost all of them use timers in their content too, both soft and hard timers. So you’re going to have a bad time if you’re trying to find a game that doesn’t use them.

Bye Felicia.

Why do people insist that if one person has an issue with something it is automatically the worst thing ever implemented in the game and blizzard should cater to them?

I play:
GTA Online
Pretty much on a weekly basis. Never had a situation in which a timer brought me angst in any of those games. But of course, none of them cost me a new game for an expansion that promises a procedurally generated dungeon in which i could theoretically lose myself in, just having fun exploring and finding all the secrets, only to, after my preorder, tell me that it was all a lie because the clock is ticking.

See the amount of likes to my OP and how many threads against this timer there are in the GD? sorry, you can’t downplay this as a “me” issue.

We agree that one of the best things about Torghast is that you can play at your own pace, without feeling rushed. We certainly don’t want to make Torghast into a fast-paced, timed game mode. We have instead added Torments, which are designed to provide some additional texture for players at high levels, and to solve a problem that arises when extremely difficult content meets our often cooldown-based class design.

Here’s what Torments should do.

Imagine a perfectly-efficient Torghast group. They are willing to do whatever it takes to climb the tower. At the highest difficulty they can manage, that means waiting for all cooldowns on every pull – unless there’s some reason not to do so. This is our problem: that’s not fun to play, but it’s the right way to play if you want to win.

Torments should apply just enough pressure that this group can still kill every single creature on the floor (which takes a while, since these enemies have lots of HP), while still being careful, using crowd control, taking a few seconds to rest or strategize between pulls, and even then, maybe sometimes waiting just a little longer for a cooldown before engaging. If that is the most efficient way to play Torghast, then we’ve hit our mark exactly. If that perfectly efficient group has to skip big portions of a floor because Torment debuffs are getting too out of hand, we have a problem.

Here’s what Torments shouldn’t do.

  • Make Torghast into a fast-paced, time-constrained feature that feels too similar to existing timed features like Mythic Keystone Dugeons, Horrific Visions, or Island Expeditions.
  • Prevent you from taking a break when you need one.
  • Intimidate casual players from playing Torghast altogether.

From the Alpha forums:

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See how many people complain about a lot of things on GD. The fact is GD is a huge minority of the playerbase that is also casual.

I have a question right now. If Blizzard were to implement 3 less minutes to the timer to any key in BFA +20 or higher (or any other tuning change to make them harder it really doesn’t matter), would you care as much about that is you do about this?

The fact of the matter is the absolute minimum you have to do is 10 floors to get all the legendary stuff or whatever. I would bet that a fairly large section of your “upvoters” are never going to see one of the torments at all. There is no “reason” for them to go past floor 10 unless you are actually pushing content.