Yet another DK thread

I just have a question that i can’t find the answer to anywhere. will the death knight have both a male and female generic version, as well as arthas, all as options? I really want to still be able to hear the original voiceover, as well as see a generic version of male DK, instead of having arthas fill that role. I also think having femDK’s is cool, more variation, but yeah. if anyone has the answer that’d be great. if not, then i’m asking blizzard for this.


It looks like there might still be a third potentially in the works.

nice! i’m glad to hear it, do you have a source for that? and also, is the same true for the demon hunter?

Death Knight skin… strings? Identifiers? Labels? Whatever we want to call them.

Looks like Demon Hunter has three ‘skins’ (four if we want to include ‘Evil’ Illidan when he’s all demon’d up in Frozen Throne) as well.

clearly 3 different skins but, only 2 is currently present.