Part of the problem is the name. “War3Champions” sounds like something for… champions. It doesn’t sound like something a novice would want to try. The few that do get stomped like I did and give up. And quite frankly, the crap i’ve gotten in the W3C chat after games hasn’t exactly been the friendly, “here’s how to get better” kind.
All this adds up to a community that is elite and is going to stay elite.
lol, 3-5k players a day and the quickest and fairest matchmaking on w3c is an elite thing?
Btw gamechat is not a place to ask for advice in any game. There’re discord channels and websites which provide good guides to improve.
Name is a problem? sounds weird
there were, yes
we got new natives and updated UI (no more win98 style buttons), not sure if anything else tho
Those numbers sound nice but when you can become unmatchable after an initial 10 or so game losing streak, it tells me there’s not enough NOVICE players on W3C. (Note that I also saw the same few players multiple times during said streak)
Yes, there are people on it. But they are by and large the upper crust of the War3 community. not low to mid skill players.
W3C was also created out of W3R’s failiure to implement a competitive system. As long as it is implemented properly, should be the main way to play, as we will no longer need an external solution. Though the issue of not enough official server nodes in various places really needs to be addressed alongside this.
This is super awesome; the map editor now feels ways better to use than it did previously. If blizzard continues to make updates to the map editor and better support for custom maps/campaigns with the client, it will extend the life of the game significantly. The map making community is still very active.
The only reason this is true is because of the people who participate in it. (And I’m not talking about in-game chat as in during matches, I’m talking about the general/lobby chat.) And seeing stuff like this isn’t going to convince any normal person that there exists an external community that will treat them better.
Don’t jump into conclusions. If you want to improve you can turn to the warcraft 3 gym community, which helps newbies and organizes newbie tournaments
Its 2022 and all respectable games like csgo, battlefield, dota2 and just about any game out there have a disconnection protection as an assumed and expected functionality. Back in GProxy days I could restart my router and still remain in wc3 game. These days a 0.01 seconds hiccup in the connection will not even cause the “drop players” countdown, it will just disconnect you.
At this point its not even the Blizzard’s fault. Its playerbase not bumping Can u fix desync? - #52 by Woodeasy-1831 to the top and keeping it there until this is bloody well HOTFIXED. I don’t even play multiplayer anymore because I don’t want to invest my time into something that can just be taken out like that with a “you were disconnected” snap.
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Do profiles save campain progress yet?
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That’s just the thing. most people don’t know about these communities, and most people don’t even visit this forum. So how are they supposed to know these things exist? You overestimate the ability of the average player to realize and look for these things.
Outreach makes a difference, people should be noticing when they see someone they can help, chat them up in the game, and direct them to such places. But I’m not seeing that. I do see some from the custom game community but it is rare that I meet someone that is constructive or helpful in game. It’s almost entirely trash talk, which isn’t very motivating for such players.
I am not impressed by the update, it’s not substantial enough for to year of silence in my honest opinion. Maybe make Sub races for the four main ones like the example below (or skins like those in Starcraft II) for Multiplayer (ranked and unranked) maps or custom games
-Blood Elves
-High Elves
-Warsong Clan
-Blackrock Clan
-Iron Horde
-Icecrown Scourge
Night ELve
these are example, but the main issue is the lag and the features that were not included at release.
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they just got a new team. Stop shi**ing on them for something that others did or did not. Its like hating your step dad because your real dad left you. Come on
Dear blizzard have 2 word for your new update LAME/CRINGE
how about givin out custom campagin the only
One thing at a time there man, comp is one of the things that was not included at release that was supposed to be. There are also other improvements that aren’t listed in the patch notes for some reason, including improved editor/custom game functionality.
I’d like to be able to play a custom map with friends, save that game, then come back to it later when we don’t have enough time to finish. Pls. 
Hope for it in the next update. 
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This is the issue right here. This encapsulates a prime issue with this company nowadays (even if done through third-parties, contracts =/= representation of primary party ).
- What was the point of doing so? Who was asking you to tune the campaigns? It’s been 20 years and cheese always happen. I’m more likely to believe Blizzard nixxed some voice or easter egg or something non-kosher. I recall even as a kid playing on a non-updated WC3 had some funny bugs from launch, but the campaign is the least of the issues.
- Numerous? You guys went through those whole thing to list the ranks (with no explanation of what percentiles btw, thanks the community TRULY LOVES having to do all the work constantly that should be readily available.) and other changes as per usual, but you can’t tell what was changed even subtle or not? How do you expect us to give feedback on this? For the modern age where even trivial typos are documented on GitHub project hotfixes, you guys couldn’t do this for your own audience?
- This is taking priority over the countless features that have been either still not added, removed, or barely work to begin with. And this took two years.
Not trying to degrade or be hostile, just priorities seem out of whack. Not like this company cares for consumers rights considered it took their “abandonware” / “we still sell it” of the OG game and found ways to make it obsolete by “bricking” it aggressively. That’s just the icing on the cake.
Edit: What was even the decision making to fix the campaign? Let alone the process and determination of tuning? Did you guys have someone run through the campaign 10 times and say “YEP THAT WAS TOO MANY ABOMINATIONS ON MISSION 7 OF HUMAN CAMPAIGN”
It’s time for the return of custom campaigns.
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I’ve heard various complaints over the years, from some missions becoming more difficult to to others becoming easier with Reforged.
Don’t get all up in arms over something like this. It’s probably work that was already in progress / mostly completed when they took over and took little of the new team’s time.
It’s also likely connected to changes in world editor functionality, which were not mentioned at all in the patch notes. Considering updating the world editor is sort of a big deal, I’d imagine the only reason it isn’t listed is because it’s work that was already done and was never actually touched by the current team.
None of this is a guarantee of course, but they said there will be “multiple updates this year.” so keep your pants on. We’ve already been waiting 2 years, what’s a few more months?
It certainly seems like you failed in not trying
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Even though it is late, it is greatly appreciated to see that a new team is working on the game.
I really hope there will be graphic updates, there has been alot of speculation around SD+ with models made in 2015 (in the starcraft 2 engine back then I believe). This would be a massive deal because a lot of people are held back by the visual aspect of the classic gfx. It would so be wonderful to have upscaled graphics while preserving the massively important and unique unit animations, and the game readability.