I can also confirm that can’t start PTR on Mac as well.
Was that all you were working on? This is a shame…
*The Menu seems smoother (I’d still love an instant popup instead of ui sliding)
*May we have some info as to what changes were made to the 41 Campaign maps?
Can we PLEASE get the “invite to custom game button” working again?
and can we PLEASE fix the issue where i have to RESTART the stupid game in order to join my friend’s custom maps after having already played one?
I like the game, I just wish it wasnt a hamster on a wheel single-handedly running the servers
wtf is this bs
Goodjob guys! Can’t wait to try and climb!
Give us a freaking balance patch already Human needs a buff …
Finally something actually getting done that does not involve footprints! These are actually great improvements although a bit reminiscent to W3champions features. You might as well just hire W3Champs at this point blizzard. Mind the negative comments. Keep adding positive patches like this and the game will start to really improve. Step by step.
I’m so glad they finally added a team for this game… please, don’t forget the custom campaign and the other stuff that are suppose to be in game.
I can only imagine microsoft had a intervention on this, so thanks for that.
Warcraft III Team, please make an honorable, noble, honest, and stellar effort bringing this game back to it’s rightful glory and also making it even better. Do not give up and never stop improving. The potential for the success of this game is unbound. You have one of the best games of all time at your fingertips. Like I said, be honest, do your best, and you’ll be good. Also, listen and talk to your community. I know you don’t want to give us a roadmap of the patches to come so you don’t set too high expectations and potentially delay/disappoint. I get that and that is a smart idea. One last thing, and I hope the diablo 3 team is listening to this too, patch notes PATCH NOTES! More specifically, DETAILED patch notes. I LOVE detailed patch notes. I love detailed patched notes on the battlenet launcher news for the game. I love reading ALL of the patch notes. I love seeing the old values and the new values. I love the color coded words and numbers. It’s amazing to have all this information so readily available. Every time you release a patch for any game, I would really appreciate as detailed as possible patch notes made available as soon as the patch is released. I love reading bug fixes too. Every tweak and change made to the game is VERY important and needs to be known to all players. Thank you for your continued support of this game. Keep up the good work and I’m excited to hear more news about the future patches this year.
If you do balance patches, please do it slowly - there are many matchups and intricacies - please contact Grubby before officially releasing patch notes.
If you want to do Graphics again, it’s possibly better to just make a new game.
So excited to see a team back working on one of the greatest video games in history!!
Best of luck to you all & really what an absolute privilege - they don’t make them like this anymore!!
That’s a start!
I’m still hoping for a better menu, more faithful to the original and less laggy.
Also, Custom Campaigns. Pretty please!
Also… I really with the old classic client was made available again - as it was. Even if it took some work to handle the old PvP matchmaking in some way.
Not everyone agrees with all of what he says. Not everyone wants the same thing - as not everyone loved any played the original Warcraft III for the same thing*. It’s not only the PvP community that still played the game, it’s the custom games/campaigns community as well! Or at least it would be if we actually had Custom Campaigns or fully solo Custom Games like we used to… If we got a full arcade like in StarCraft II, that’d be the dream!
*So, they need to listen to the entire community, not just Grubby who represents the PvP folks quite well I’d say - but not everyone!
This is definitely a good start, I really hope that WOTLK not allowing server transfers and this patch are both signs that things will continue to get better for a little while. I’ll vote with my wallet, and right now it looks like you’re doing the right thing. so I’ll put my money where my mouth is. Hopefully everyone else follows suit, but also on the vice versa. You guys disappear for another 6 months, or start doing shady tactics. I really hope people continue to vote with their wallet and take the money away. I hate that the company I once loved and trusted so much has me so on edge now.
you sound like a WoW player
Most likely, probably, WoW players and wc3 players want different outcomes for War3. So prepare to either be disappointed, or be hated by the other people who were disappointed at your expense. Just saying. Life is hard for developers, because they have to make hard choices.
Just need to wait another year and a half for that.
The quality of matches on W3C is horrendous if you’re not a high end player. I can win games on battle.net, but I went on W3C, tried the 1v1 queue and repeatedly got my rear end handed to me so hard that my rating went too low for their system to match me to anyone. The TL;DR of this is the average skill level of all players on W3C is far, far higher than that of the average skill level of players on battle.net right now. People who aren’t pro tier players will not have good quality matches on W3C.
Battle.net will remain the best place for average joes who don’t play the game religiously.
why leave the world editor improvements out of the patch notes?
I agree, but balance kinda requires a playerbase competing in things. So we kinda need that competitive mode too.
This implies there were changes to the world editor. Were there?
At any rate, they say this is the first of several updates.
W3C is for tryharding and cybersportsmen. This is the problem of newbies who don’t know about the platform, if they knew, there could be a better matchmaking. Btw, I sometimes play on battle.net for fun, so I rarely face even opponents. There’re almost always low skilled players, who can lose to 1 hero