Me too.
They released an updated PTR for Mac that won’t even start. Why?
Me too.
They released an updated PTR for Mac that won’t even start. Why?
Best comment
That’s shocking, you cherry picked / skimmed hard on also the poor documentation points on top of it.
contrary to seemingly popular belief from reading these replies (you guys are disgusting showing any sympathy or positivity to these blizzard animals btw) we DONT WANT YOU to do anything to this game. We got it ourselves. Not much longer and w3c will fix your disgraceful balance themselves too. Anything you do to this game is bound to make things worse like every patch in the last 3 years has done.
Have fun releasing a ‘ladder’ with no zoom, terrible map pool, terrible hosts, terrible players to play on it, female sjw skins, terrible ui, terrible everything that w3c has taken upon themselves to fix over the past 2 years.
if you had any decency at all you would sign the rights of wc3 straight over to the w3c team dont come over here after 2 years without even so much as an apology you straight up garbage tier human beings!
i just want that horrendeous menu lag fixed already
Hi, You must be new here.
There are cries to fix this game all over the forums and elsewhere, and have been since it was released. I enjoy your types who have the audacity to think you speak for everyone.
“We…” lol.
Gosh, it must be nice to have a video game so crappy that you consider the people behind it as “garbage tier”.
When you get older, I hope you never have to deal with, say for instance, losing someone to a career drunk driver, or lose everything to scammers.
If a video game can that bad for you, how will you ever be able to handle a real life catastrophy/tragedy?
I’d trade my real life problems for your kid problems anyday.
For those wonder why there’s so little after 2ish years, keep in mind that development stopped cold, likely somewhere in late 2020.
So for those who are still hoping for more original features like custom campaigns, etc, it appears that development simply picked up where it left off 2ish years ago. Meaning, there’s a possibility that there’s more down the road.
Myesh, this indeed seems to be a result of a year worth of work… Sorry: “aggressive patching”.
As far as I see, still no custom campaigns, still no reworks to atrocious browser-based menu system, and I see no announcements of re-availability of original distributives with latest patches. Ah, yes, and those megareworks in Reforged cutscenes and missions are still not there, aren’t they?
So, within a WHOLE YEAR all Blizzard was able to do is add profile pages and primitive ranking? Impressive indeed.
This is an explanation, not excuse. What happened to Reforged is a huge failure, and just getting back as if nothing happened will not work.
There’s never going to be an excuse. Bliz can’t possibly transfer blame away from themselves (which is what an “excuse” is).
Otherwise, your edit has changed gears from lack of content to an expected apology, which I don’t disagree with. However, I was only addressing the lack of content in my post.
You forgot to mention the footprint changes!
I feel… nothing. Tha patch-payload moving like a fireextinguisher.
Thanks for working to update Reforged! Late or not, these changes are amazing for both ladder players and casuals who want to give it a try without feeling intimidated by Ranked.
Despite any negativity in these comments, all people really want is interaction and change. Keep listening, and trust me that the community will keep talking.
You do, do you? Because I explicitly and publicly made it known that during the testing phases people shouldn’t jump to conclusions. However, after release if there were still persistent or new issues, by all means, voice the discontent. Which, like everyone else, I also did when it became apparent to me that Reforged was being abandoned.
Besides, with what you quoted, where is the shilling? Calling you out for being wrong in your generalizations, and pointing out that life has real problems isn’t shilling for anyone or anything (except maybe shilling for real life). You seem to have just randomly played the shilling card just so that you could disparage an internet rando who publicly to pointed your priorities.
Honestly, if you fail to see that what happened to Reforged isn’t remotely on par with losing everything you worked to attain in life, it’s you who needs to check your functionality.
And as to your final sentence, if the best you can come up with is the equivalent to “yeah? well you’re ugly” then really all you’ve done is exemplify my points. No one can take you seriously when that’s how you represent yourself.
Yeah I do remember you being a little blizz shill like youre doing right now. Keep being supportive of blizz through hell & high water. It worked out well so far, right? Shilling 4 blizz before, during, after reforged and the audacity to play it off as if HE’S the mentally sound person when you confront him. my god man.
the changelog of the campaign changes is in hiveworkshop if you are that interested, it’s mostly reign of chaos changes
Again, nothing I’ve said to you has to do with Bliz (not to mention I’ve plenty criticized Bliz for what they did). If you have to conjure up unrelated rebuttals to stay afloat, again, thanks for exemplifying my points.
And finally, with yet another one of your “yeah? well you’re ugly” responses, thanks again for validating my arguments.
Where are new servers? No LATAM servers, if u wanna slipt players base in w3champs vs bnet, nah.
Players wants we works togethers
What about the World editor improvements, the quality of life and bug fixing? or simply the custom campaigns options you removed from the original warcraft3?
Chronicles of the second war and Warcraft3 Re-reforge would love to know.
while to our ping here in South America, it will improve or not ?