Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update – Ranked Play

are we getting this basic feature yet?

Because they want that everyone use their new version where the get the data on how you play. If you want to have either 1.27b or 1.31.1 in english go this way: Classic Warcraft III --- Official Installers - Official Patches

Release Ranked in the … “Upcoming Months”?! Wow!

Imagine how they released reforged and how FAR behind they were, but somehow, they green lighted the release. THIS is sad Blizzard. And THIS is coming from someone who defended Reforged in the first few months thinking Ranked is…just around the corner and not…around the Christmas!

More than a year after, is this happening?


Can you fools please add a ladder. It’s been over a year. Come on.
Just give us back the old client please.

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It shouldn’t be so damn difficult really. How a top-tier dev company needs years for a ranked system?


But devs - not top tier company, just only 1-2 (or 0) people of top tier (in past) company.

The leadership has changed, maybe someday they will remember about the fans of Warcraft 3 and finally resources will be allocated to at least add normal optimization, post-processing, damn rating and damn custom campaigns to the game, after 1.5 years from the release, damn it.


idk, how a “top-tier” COMPANY could make a remaster literally worse than the original?


LGBT issue no patch no guild no ladder fallen

Jokes on you, it might never come.

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The funniest thing is that they could add Ranked, custom campaigns, profiles, fix a bunch of bugs, etc etc overnight by removing Reforged and letting people play RoC/TFT. How is that not hilarious, that by removing years of cube crawling…er I mean years of “work,” they can improve the game.


Because Activision forced them to work understuffed with an impossible release date so they just brought the game out as vapoware then got disolved.

i struggle to think in a worst remaster than W3R, maybe there’s some out there but…omg a remaster that literally makes you unable to play the original as it used to be without using mods or piracy is…hard to top ngl…

Fix the depth buffer since out of principle it flickers on and off during the cutscenes which is linked to the games inbuilt shadows. That will make my open source mod increase the games value.

I also added FSR support for Warcraft III reforged thanks to a recent tools update. The developer I have informed needs to remove the dumb sharpener from the pipeline. Its frankly stupid. Hopefully he comes through.

Replace the FXAA in the games menu with predication SMAA. Seriously, anything that leads to fuzzy nonsense needs to be exterminated with extreme prejudice. Dumb AA, dumb sharpeners, dumb upscalers. All of it resolves in mathematically inferior complexities which is why it sort of all runs together like water droplets merging in proximity. If you stack modern tech that can resolve with greater complexity, its going to preserve the detail in a way that was not historically possible at the same kinds of resolution. Its also computationally efficient compared to older methods like quincunx, which is image quality wise a hair inferior to FXAA even if its fast. The damage FXAA does to texture quality even at 4k is noticeable even supersampled to a 1080 screen which is disastrous.

The order of pass matters a lot if you care about quality and efficiency:
Predication SMAA, FSR (Sharpener turned off), TAA, 32bit precision open source FidelityFX.

Just bake it into the game. Mcflys code is open source, so its free game. Same with my work. Might as well use it, its objectively curbstomping HBAO+. Also as developers you can control the order of pass when raytracing occurs in front of the game effects. You can also with a bit of clever tricks can make it rather easily beyond screenspace only in limitation for cleaner edge resolve, not that its going to matter much being top down mostly.

I went out of my way to provide a variety of options so raytracing should run on a toaster, especially with really cleanly delivered FSR. The code is out there waiting for you guys to bootstrap the value of the product. Gigapixel upscaling the textures would also be really rad, as a separate HD texture pack download. The lines on the characters armor zig zags in a way that the a.i. could resolve more like it should before the compression crunch and target resolution.

I just never understood how such easy upgrades that are without dispute improvements that are free are going to never see multi million dollar projects in a meaningful number. Especially active reasonably recent releases like this one. I think its because the fast life strategist mentality is more common in positions of obsession for the practical than some art very bluntly deserves.

Its kind of like CAPCOM. No dinosaur game for such a long time. Its like throwing money in the trash.

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Stop asking for this. They need to fix all the join and drop bugs before a ranking system would mean anything.

High prioroity? So high over a year later we still have jack squat. I guess getting in young chicks pants is a higher priority.


High priority as in they were gonna make ranked play, but then they got high

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Considering the people who made this post have all been disbanded (the Classic Games team has been dismantled) and Vicarious Visions now oversees their classic games, it is up to them. Right now, they’re working on D2R and D4 (maybe OW2 and WoW, that’s speculation tho). I doubt WC3R is on their priority list and probably was written off as a loss and will be left as is for years, minus some tuning (like HotS).


Just fix the depth buffer and its basically fine. Bare minimum. They or nvidia have made improvements. Dont stop literally at the brink of perfection. Upscaling the game from 720p to 2k with FSR is very fast, looks great, and allows trash computer’s to get away with greater shader complexity on the same resources using modern image quality to performance cost ratios courtesy algorithms.

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Works exactly the same way in Warcraft 3 Reforged. For science one of the employees should step up for the good of mankind and localize modernized algorithms to the internal machinework of some of the best art we as a species have to offer, very objectively.

Just make it an option in the menu and offer the original FXAA AND predication SMAA because its just harmonious with FSR. Just label them clearly so kids know FXAA is blurry but fast. And Predication SMAA is much cleaner, but a hair slower. Follow up with TAA like I do. Maybe do something really interesting and come up with some kind of adaptive TAA that is even cleaner by having more discretion, and follow up with an intelligent sharpener, in that order.

If you want the gods honest truth FXAA needs to be thrown in the dumpster and set ablaze. Primitive, barbaric algorthims like quincunx need to be submerged at this point in time, to the fossil record. Force the normies to use the good stuff. Even tiny gestures like this would be very respectful toward the brand because its 1+1=2 level integrations being open source. Remember now people were not fond of Warcraft 3 Reforged. That wouldnt be very hard to turn around ignoring the impossible to please obtuse personalities that neglect change when its the winds poised to scream all around you as it becomes basically the new standard. Early adopters here these lands natively would be a +.

I sincerely believe, because I cant prove it, the Steam Deck is going to make Linux far more commonplace, and the cool thing to have. They can force FSR in basically speaking literally any game. It musnt be rocket science for devs to just take one day to add value to the product line in reality for almost nothing for basically everyone who loves progress.

“Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.”
-Stephen King, The Green Mile