Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update – Ranked Play

I think experience decay is a key feature for the ladder, maybe don’t make it agressive as you said, but it has to be in place in my opinion. Also “coming months” sounds a bit depressive, but at least we got something, bois! So please keep up the good work!


Maybe but only if they drop their plans to create a separate, unranked ladder. Otherwise there’d effectively be 4 different ladders for team games which would just split the playerbase further. That’s how it worked with classic Warcraft 3 anyway; RT and AT were separate but there wasn’t an unranked ladder.

Possibly clans too for that matter.

If they didn’t take away the candy in the first place, you wouldn’t be hearing nearly as many complaints. It’s one thing to upgrade or give more candy, but it’s quite another to take the old candy away and not replace it with new candy for several months. There’s really no excuse for taking away existing core features unless they had upgraded versions ready to replace them, which they didn’t. It’s like ripping out water pipes when you don’t even have new pipes to replace them.

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Although anything can change, the fact that they overtly said they are consciously deciding to combine AT and RT, it’s likely they are going to stick to that plan.

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Also just wondering if we can make our win/loss statistics an option to be private? Just incase someone like myself who claims to be a top tier player, only to have their win/loss statistic viewed and it’s… tdlrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrddrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrrr … the whole list is red with losses lol

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We’re not getting a SEA server, we’re getting Korea. Singapore for example I get 100ish ping to, depending on whether underwater cables have got hit or not and routing, but Blizzard HotS server atm I get 109 ping too. However we’re getting Korea, hence the much higher ping.

Otherwise +1, can we get server selection please? It’s something you should definitely have in 2021 when ladder finally comes out.

now we talk

He was working for years on ranked system for wc3 before releasing the pad. You can’t do that amount of work on few weeks and even months. Read his interview.
But it’s true, it’s ridiculous in what state blizz released wc reforged


On a regular bases, the ingame music stops or starts all over, and I get incredible lags and spikes afterwards, this was always the case after reforged was released.
This happens every fourth or fithth game but can also happen after every game.


Austria and what else?

yeah. i have the music disabled and after a couple of games the music starts. when i check the settings music is still disabled but it plays in the background.

double tapping ctrl+m solves it but it’s annoying.

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“Months”?!?! Did you all forget how to code?

If it’s going to be basically the same as sc2, isn’t the work already done?


All talk, no action. its been 6months alredy with no profile or rank lmao.


complete sentence

Clearly lost a game because of that “strong word here” now.
It is annoying as hell, always, but especially when its happening all of a sudden in the lategame.
Man if there wouldnt be a strong word filter here, I’d make this post explode.
Its incredible how annoying this “strong word here” is.

Happend now the second time in a row.
I could have outmicroed the enemy and his FS TC with alot of taurens with my destroyer and fiends, but thanks to this incredible “music crashes incredible spikes bug” I couldnt do anything, oh and I even turned OFF the music before.

Honestly … I have never said anything bad here about reforged …
but now I can feel tears in my eyes …

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Guys be patient. They have already invested your money into other projects like Diablo Immortal. You can’t expect them to O.k. some OT, or add an additional programmer to help expedite this stuff! It’s not like they have multiple games with ladders, season’s, and season rewards. If only they had developed multiple titles with these features…oh wait.

Hey positive side, its a ladder how could they mess this up given years of development and 6 months post launch. AM I RIGHT! They want to get it right! I would pay money to sit in on a staff meeting. The managerial dipshltery that must go one over there must be legendary. Give it some thought Blizzard possible new revenue stream here!


Any particular reason why I no longer have access to Warcraft 3/frozen throne??

If you think i buying this trashfire you are mistaken.

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To play the Classic mode, you need to link your RoC CD key to your Battlenet account. That’s how Battlenet knows you’ve bought the game in the past.

Reinstalled the game twice now and the bug is still there, not as heavy as before, but basically the same.

This is absolutly laughable and frustrating.

Wow. I really can’t believe this isn’t here yet. Helped fair bit with few bugs on my purchased beta but haven’t ran release game once yet. An RTS without rank is like a pizza without cheese. 2021 will we have the completed product?