My internet connection in 00’s was,in fact,so slow that Multiplayer and Battle. net buttons was,in fact,decorative
But I didn’t whine “Oh no! What am I going to play now??!” - I’ve enjoyed campaigns and having fun in editor - Warcraft is a wholesome Singleplayer game
i can’t be bothered to copy paste anymore, every one of those are quotes from YOU talking about some mythological build that blizzard were hiding from everyone during the beta, you’ve done nothing but talk crap since this forum opened
Uh, yes, it is lying. It’s not there. They are using the Culling of Stratholme cutscene as an example which doesn’t look remotely the same in the game as it looks on their site.
useless? yep you are absolutely right about that one. Your posts are completely useless Just go out and take a breath of fresh air. You will suffocate if you still continue to defend that pile of $##
Remember how Community defend that dumb oppositionist with his politic agitation at freaking Family Friendly Cardgame Tournament,even if he 100% deserved it? A truly toxic community
It just shows how toxic the people are,and how they’re searching for literraly any reason to hate. No matter what Blizzard does - this idiots will find a way to hate it
What? Visions of N’zoth was good and creative update? - “But the last cutscene is bad,so Blizzard is bad”
They’re making a story-based Overwatch game in a complete PvE genre,with a lot of Lore and new Mechanics in it - “The same game”