I have no words to descrive how much I’m dissapointed with the fact that Warcraft community is so toxic…
Yeah cause it’s the communitys fault that Blizzard cant fullfill their promises. Got damn you apologists are pathetic. This is a BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY.
I have like 2 hours since I am asking people around here, what exactly did you expected and they didn’t delivered? Ugly UI? Bad camera angles for some cut scenes? Anything else?
And buggy lag and crashes issues but yea that about sums it up. Were you hoping for more?
they have payed for this game they are customer’s its there right to be toxic when they are not satisfied with an unfinished game.
I expected what was promised. You can’t even play custom games with AI. A function this game released with 18 years ago.
Please explain what im paying 30$ for? The game has LESS functions than when it was released 18 years ago. And I havent even talked about its terrible optimization.
Buggy lag and crashes, give me a break! This will be fixed easily.
Well, if that’s the reason why you and many are crying, I have no hope for you.
I will take ugly UI and ugly camera angles over shitty gameplay any day, but that’s just me. Your tastes about games seems to be very different.
I would also add the fact that their graphics only look good from close up and when you play the game from standard camera height the units are barely recognizeable, and just a mess of pixels, but thats reforged, and I could just choose to play classic, which I would, but then I still have the ugly UI and the buggy and laggy game.
They did not make any changes to gameplay so your statement is invalid. Just wtf argument are you even attempting to make.
Yet, you can’t name what was promised !
You will be able to play in custom games, no worries. This are small bugs which will be fixed.
That … is for you to explain yourself why you paid 30$ for a game, or for a movie, dinner, etc.
Move on maybe?
toxic? Do they insult you for playing badly? for being a woman? Por hablar otro idioma?
not for now the community did not let me see anything toxic.
New battle net integration, new ladder, more players, balance updates, hd reforged literally all assets, new assets, cosmetic options in melee, new angles and stuff and better overall campaign cutscenes, slight changes in campaign keeping the original spirit, story and voices, hd remaster of cinematics, backwards-compatible multiplayer, new menus, new graphic options, new world editor options, overall more exposure for the game, hero units variations. To name a few.
Kabal epic troll I think, another fanboy arguing with multiple people at the same time.
If you dont agree or care about anyones opinion kabal why are you even here?
yes they are . but you have to understand one thing about them. it seems as if they do , but they actually dont speak about the ups and downs of the game like you do at all
they simply dont want to have their “good” mood ruined ; they are basically talking into a mirror.
that is a sign for a weak personality; they are like kids that got a new toy and couldnt live with the fact that it is not as nice as they want it to be
you cant do anything about that, because… they are in a mental state of a kid.
just look at the thread of this one guy. at the very start of his text he said “im thankful for your ->attempt<- to make a good game”
yes they tried and they failed. he knows it himself but he just doesnt want to admit it to himself because then his mood would be ruined
my brother did the same with starcraft 2. he then dropped the game within one or two weeks and never touched it again.
ah and it also was the same with d3.
Blizzard gave us one of the best remakes of all time and of course the sour members of the community want nothing but to discredit it.
Dude, you are part of this comunity. Stop hating yourself.
Lies.It took 10 minutes for the last custom game i played to load!Once it was finished loading,there were no players left cause everybody left (end task)
Sound is terrible,textures are bugged.
I expected that at least the original won’t be tampered with, so if I don’t like the changes, I can always go back vanilla TFT. This isn’t the case.
Now my options are - play Reforged, or play Reforged without HD models.
starcraft hd remaster was good yes, but starcraft 2 was an awful bad game.
oh rly? so why realese game still looks like beta?