• 1. General:
- Warcraft 3 Reforged is still set to come out in 2019*, the release date announcement will come soon.
- The game will receive additional content after launch, but “not necessarily campaigns”.
- They’re currently in a “polishing” stage.
- Performance improvements will come closer to release.
• 2. Beta:
- All people who pre-purchased Reforged will get access into the beta. They are still rolling out BETA waves.
- First in line are people who bought the Spoils of War edition, then normal edition, then Virtual Ticket.
- Undead race will become available in live the BETA next Tuesday.
- Night Elves will be ready for testing in 2 weeks.
- The World Editor and Custom Games are coming to the live BETA within a week or two.
- 3v3, 4v4 and FFA are also coming next week.
- The BETA will also include an old graphics option.
• 3. Multiplayer & Balance:
- Ladder will not be available on release, it will come in the first post-launch update.
- Reforged will feature a global matchmaking system just like Starcraft Remastered.
- The team is very interested in community feedback on matchmaking.
- The game will feature both race and game mode specific MMR.
- Arranged teams are coming back.
- They’re considering community made maps for multiplayer.
- There are no plans to add a 5th playable race to multiplayer.
- The 12 unit selection limit will not be increased in multiplayer.
- An Observer Mode with a zoom-out feature is coming.
- Balancing is hard - they admit they’ve made some mistakes in 2018, when balancing they’re looking at how the game feels and make changes on a case-by-case basis, trying to preserve race uniqueness and ensure that both pro-players and casuals have an enjoyable experience.
- Overall they feel like the balance is in a pretty good place, but some issues still need to be adressed (like Turtle Rock close spawns).
• 4. Readability, art & sound:
- The team has heard the feedback about readability issues.
- They’re working on improving silhouettes and team colors.
- They’re adding team-colored health bars to improve visibility.
- Heroes will have a special health bar to make them stand out a bit more.
- Mountain King will be made bigger.
- Blademaster’s running animation will be changed to look more like in the original.
- Animations are a bit limited, because they had to match classic timings.
- All named heroes (from the campaigns) will have their own models.
- All unit models will be unique.
- In total there are over 2200 new models.
- UI and menus aren’t final.
- Classic chain sounds and UI elements remain in the client.
- They’re keeping the original unit voice overs.
- There’s some new music being added to Reforged.
• 5. Campaign and story:
- Cutscenes from the Blizzcon 2018 demo (The Culling of Stratholme) were scrapped.
- They are returning to old-style cinematic mode cutscenes, some with new camera angles, lightning and terrain.
- Cinematics will get a remaster with higher resolution and better quality.
- In contrast to the Polygon article they’ve hinted at some changes to the campaigns.
- They want the campaign to “bridge” into WoW.
- Reign of Chaos, Frozen Throne & Rexxar campaign will be available at release.
- There’s a special “story mode” difficulty in the campaign for WoW players (players not famillar with RTS
- The Arthas vs. Illidan cinematic has been reforged.
• 6. Mapmaking:
- They’re excited to see what the community does with the improved editor features.
- Some features they’ve mentioned is changing a unit’s health and new camera tools.
- We will get an option to change the 12-unit selection limit in custom games.
- No plans to allow mapmakers to monetize their maps.
There is too much misinformation and lack of clarity on the current intends of Blizzard for Warcraft 3 Reforged.
This news is posted in TheHiveWorkShop i decided to bring it here so people get to read it, because blizzard isn’t communicating and its hurting the community.
Personal thoughts: i’m fine with this. seems balanced to what both sides of the community want.
please comment so the thread doesn’t die and more people are informed.
Hi guys, i took a peak at where i took this from, aka hive workshop and found news that were highlighted as update.
Additional news Updated.
- Ladder WILL be available on release. UPDATED
- Cutscenes from the Blizzcon 2018 demo (The Culling of Stratholme) were scrapped. However more than 8 campaign maps have been significantly redesigned. UPDATED
- The World Editor and Custom Games are coming to the live BETA on Tuesday 5th Nov. UPDATED
On this note, i’d like to point out something i’m excited about myself, it isn’t an update its mentioned in the upper post but no one seemed to pay attention. so maybe i can give it some hype here.
- We will get an option to change the 12-unit selection limit in custom games.
yall know how big this is ? i’m flipping pumped for this.