Game freezes and then crashes

Edit 2: POTENTIAL FIX: Turn off “Shadow Quality” and “Occlusion”, but don’t touch any other setting this ended in having a black screen at least for me.

I played five games so far and had 4 crashes and 1 black screen.

Black screen only occurred after setting everything to low/off in the settings and directly after loading a game.

For the freezes/crashes, everything was set to high/on and the freezes/crashes occurred <2mins into the game.

Drivers are up to date.

-RTX 2080 Ti
-32GB Ram (OC to 3600Hz)

So far, I’ve had zero problems with my pc yet.

Edit: I also reinstalled the game.


Same here. I queued up for 3 different games and the game crashed all 3 times within a min or two.

-RTX 2080Ti (latest Drivers)
-i7 6700k
-ultrawide monitor

Edit: I finished my first game after setting every graphic setting to low or to off.

Edit 2: after playing around with the settings it seems shadows is the single setting that makes the game crash for me. If its set to “Off” i never crash with everything else set to “High”.

If shadows is set to “high” or “medium” i still crash right away.

Same situation here.

Same here

RTX 2080Ti
AMD 2700X

Also just crashed on first game, with settings on max. Will try a few more while adjusting settings and will edit this post with results.

AMD Radeon R9 (v19.9.2, up-to-date)
AMD FX-8350 4.0 GHz
Win 10 x64 / 1903

Edit: Turned Shadows Off (everything else at max) worked just fine. Some dips in FPS but largely stayed at around 57 FPS.

It could be the problem that we have too much RAM? Seeing that everyone has >16GB.

Same here, it just freezes 5 min into the game.

6700k , 2080ti 32 gb of ram , everytime game crashes aswell, max amount of gameplay ive got was around 40 secs

Well for me it froze during chat rooms.

CPU Intel i7-9750H base speed 2,60GHz Turbo up to 4,50GHz RAM 32GB SSD 1TB + 1TB HDD Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 6GB

Me too … every single game …
crash in 5 min

Since the bluepost mentioned it could be because of too much RAM I took out 16gigs and I still have the same problem with 16GB of RAM.

thats some hardcore dedication slithery xD

To be fair its more like an open test bench I’m still trying to get the air out of my system. It took me like 2mins with restarting my pc. :smiley:

Have you settled your window mode to fullscreen like this?

I’ve played with these settings with no crash, no disconnections, no issues at all. I’ve saw in a stream someone said that to avoid some crashes, fullscreen mode is required, not windowed fullscreen nor windowed. You can change settings up if you have a good pc, but shadows quality and occlusion must be off.

I have tried running in fullscreen mode but it made no difference, However, my game crashes only when I try to build a structure.
Anyone else having this same issue?


Is shadow quality and occlusion off?

@all I found a fix atleast for myself. Turn off “Shadow Quality” and “Occlusion”, but not everything that ended in a black screen for me.
Using Windowed Fullscreen mode.

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If you use fullscreen only, what happens?

Scared to touch the settings because its working atm :smiley:

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Some tips to avoid crashes:

Guys clean up temp files after some games to avoid crashes. Turn off shadow quality and occlusion. Play in fullscreen, not windowed fullscreen nor windowed. To access temp files open run command with WindowsKey + R and type temp, then open it again and type %temp%, then do it again but type Prefetch, delete everything in these folders.