Ever wondered why the terrain looks fine when zoomed in but completely flat and plain when zoomed out? Because it is lacking the shadow and quality bump maps. What this beta has done with the current graphics is a disservice to us both old school and new players.
Click on the links NOW if you think I’m lying.
Compare this image in the 2018 demo
With the beta.
Big difference huh?
Each grass blade has a shadow so the terrain actually looks 3D. With the amount of grasses, implementing this into beta will be a game changer.
As of right now the community is split into, one that wants better graphics and one that wants better visibility. The fact is, the two are not mutually exclusive. The art director needs to have a better understanding of the game design to achieve this without compromising the other. When you bring modern graphical features to this game, you don’t need to desaturate the colors for the sake of “realism” and vice versa. There are many colorful and high contrast games that look aesthetically pleasing using the right gfx.
I wouldn’t go as far as calling this bait-and-switch, but this sort of graphics downgrade is extremely common in E3 demos. I’m extremely disappointed to see this happen on a remastered PC GAME of all things. We should not fight amongst each other. Instead, we should provide the developers with critical feedbacks and encourage them to fix the graphics so that it’s ready for 2019 release. Please stand with me and keep up with the criticism. We can make this already amazing game into something even better.
Thank you. I couldn’t post links for some reason. To answer your question, yes those are actual shadows in the demo. If that’s not it, it could be using ambient occlusion. Either way, if done right it can look amazing as we can see in the screenshots; much better than the flat terrain in every possible way.
The darker terrain looks so much better and I really hope you can get that look because I want to make dark and gritty RPG maps. I don’t want my world looking like something from a Disney movie.
So, I still dont understand what is the reason to downgrade graphic so much? Really hope to see final product look like or even better then demo 2018. Current “beta” just a joke.
Lets Hope so, and i think we will get them but it will take time because the graphics are not important at the moment when they testing mobility/animations and models, thats what i am thinking, they will update before release in december.
I agree, the shaders and lightning can be still used as option that can be turned down. Why make something look apparently worse and not giving the option for people that like the new look.
The main point of this game is graphics update isn’t it?
sometimes these forums look like people care only about “normal gameplay”… don’t forget there are custom games also that would surely benefit from better look.