Gonna stop you right there. Those ARE my opinions and absolutely resonates with me. The article just does it better at expressing them and the screenshots there shows. See my posts during beta at the bottom, don’t assume next time.
Ever wondered why the terrain looks fine when zoomed in but completely flat and plain when zoomed out? Because it is lacking the shadow and quality bump maps. What this beta has done with the current graphics is a disservice to us both old school and new players.
Click on the links NOW if you think I’m lying.
Compare this image in the 2018 demo
With the beta.
Big difference huh?
Each grass blade has a shadow so the terrain actually l…
I can’t be the only one who thinks that the textures need a major revamping. Some people are FINE with it but coming from an art background I can already see that it’s lacking the quality normal mapping to give us the pop up effect. Even hand-painting them like in WoW can help. Instead what we got here is a very flat looking ground that looks like it’s been filtered using photoshop. Not good, considering this game will be released by the end of this year.
What do you guys think? Is my complaint…
I understand that the released game will no longer going to have the same graphics as the demo. No problem. But can we please please fix the atrocious grass colors on the current terrain? As it stands, when we enable the foliage, some of the grass blade colors are too dark and becomes blended in with the tileset palette. The result of this is that we don’t see any 3D foliage standing out and the terrain looks worse with it enabled. I dabble in art design myself so I hope you see this problem as …
I’m not asking it to look realistic, but so far from what I’m seeing on the previews and the demo is that the texture is looking far too flat and plain. Take a look at this screenshot I found on reddit imgur(.)com/a/KuzH3vH, the grass looks a lot more interesting and it appears to be part of the environment. What do you guys think? Do you agree or disagree?
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