FEEDBACK: The terrain can be improved if reforged brings back the shadows and shadering from the demo

Never use we, who gave u the right?

Yes! The 2018 demo are so far better!
This game on the release needs look like the same level from the 2018 demo from Blizzcon!

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The demo really looks better and impressive! This game needs look like the awesome demo they shown in two years agoā€¦

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We still waiting and having hope to they do the improviments <3


you can wait till the end of time and they will not change it trollā€¦


Ever thought that enhanced terrain and trees were causing major performance issues and thatā€™s why they tone it down?
Maybe this engine canā€™t handle nice terrain and trees without losing too much fps.
Just wonderingā€¦

Time to improve the engine!

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They shown an game with awesome look in Blizzcon2018! The demo looked very well polished with their realistic modern look! They showed a game with a very modern and beautiful realistic look on blizzcon2018. The game has to be like the game they showed before! I bought the game they showed on the 2018 blizzcon! And not this game completely different from two years ago. The demo still so far better, please bring back the demo look for the release! Thanks!


The quote that topic are needing!


Thanks, Souichirou! More feedback ever will be great! Please improve the graphics, this game are urgently needing that!

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Please keep improving the graphics Lighting and Shadows! Its are starting to become close to the level of the demo!

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Agreed we are almost here.

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I strongly agree, as I bought the game yesterday and got extremely disappointed by the bad graphics.

Then I came to the forums, seen the comparisons between now and before, and got mindblown, as I also think the 2018 gameplay trailer & the culling demo has much much better graphics.

Given it seems they changed it back to what we have now due to ā€œfeedbackā€ I think its important, at one week from release, to let them know many of us DREAM on getting those graphics, and are in fact very disappointed with the changes / downgrades from when the game was announced.


I am sure the purist will praise the way terrain and environment look, but for custom/multiplayer maps and especially new players will drag the game. Leaving reforged to be limited to old players only. But lets see what happens.

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They can still patch in a toggle or checkbox to choose among previous realistic & detailed terrain & trees (among other graphical changes) and current version.

Its important to let em know how many of us prefer the graphics from 2018 trailer & culling demo, specially if they changed those graphics due to some unknown (purists you say? xD) feedback.

Its not to lateā€¦what we want already exists!

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Welp. I did try to warn themā€¦